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YiTu is an easy-to-use runtime to fully exploit the hybrid parallelism of different hardwares (e.g., GPU) to efficiently support the execution of various kinds of graph algorithms (e.g., GNNs).

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YiTu is an easy-to-use runtime designed to fully exploit hybrid parallelism across various hardware platforms (e.g., GPUs) to efficiently execute a wide range of graph algorithms, including graph neural networks (GNNs). It offers optimized support for heterogeneous and temporal graphs, enabling advanced analysis on complex, diverse, and dynamic graph structures. YiTu includes four modules: YITU_H, which handles heterogeneous graphs; YITU_T, focused on temporal graph analysis; YITU_GNN, dedicated to the implementation of standard Graph Neural Networks (GNNs); and YITU_GP, which offers advanced tools for graph analysis. Each module is designed to address specific aspects of graph processing and analysis, enabling efficient handling of diverse graph types and tasks.Next are the specific descriptions of each module.



YITU_GNN is a specialized module within YiTu that focuses on the implementation and analysis of standard Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). It allows users to efficiently build and experiment with popular GNN architectures, such as Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN) and Graph Attention Networks (GAT). With a flexible API, YITU_GNN enables easy customization of models and optimizes performance for large-scale graph training. By integrating with other modules in YiTu, it enhances the system's overall capabilities, making it a powerful tool for tasks like node classification, link prediction, and graph classification, ultimately facilitating deeper insights into graph-structured data.


YITU_GP is a dedicated module within YiTu that specializes in graph analysis functionalities. This module provides users with advanced tools and algorithms for extracting insights from graph-structured data, enabling a wide range of analytical tasks. With YITU_GP, users can perform various operations, including community detection, centrality measures, and so on. The module is designed to handle large graphs efficiently, ensuring that users can analyze complex relationships and patterns within their data. By integrating seamlessly with other modules in YiTu, YITU_GP enhances the overall analytical capabilities of the system, making it an essential component for applications requiring in-depth graph analysis and interpretation.


YITU_T is a specialized module within YiTu that focuses on the functionalities related to temporal graphs. It enables the processing and analysis of time-evolving graph data, allowing for the exploration of dynamic relationships and changes over time. With YITU_T, users can efficiently manage temporal aspects of graphs, supporting tasks such as event forecasting, trend analysis, and social network dynamics. This module ensures that users can effectively handle the complexities of temporal data, providing tools to analyze how graph structures evolve and interact in real-time. By integrating these capabilities, YITU_T enhances YiTu’s overall functionality, making it a powerful tool for applications requiring advanced temporal graph analysis.


YITU_H is a dedicated module within YiTu that focuses on the functionalities related to heterogeneous graphs. It enables the handling of graphs with multiple types of nodes and edges, allowing for a rich representation of complex relationships. With YITU_H, users can efficiently manage diverse graph structures, making it particularly suitable for applications such as recommendation systems, knowledge graphs, and multi-relational data analysis. This module ensures seamless integration and processing of various graph elements, providing tools to explore and analyze the interactions among different types of entities. By enhancing YiTu’s capabilities in dealing with heterogeneous graphs, YITU_H empowers users to unlock deeper insights and drive advanced analyses across diverse applications.


Provide two installation methods:

  1. Build docker image
  2. Install with conda

Building Docker Image

  1. First, build a virtual environment with Docker, and YiTu_GNN can run on the environment. Docker installation please reference.

By running the following commands, we can construct a docker image called YiTu_GNN, on which all subsequent experiments will be performed.

cd YiTu_GNN/docker
docker build -f Dockerfile -t YiTu_GNN .
  1. starting docker container:
docker run --gpus all -e NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME=eno1 --rm -dit --shm-size="5g" --network=host --name YiTu_GNN YiTu_GNN /bin/bash
  • --gpus all:indicating that all GPUs will be used
  • -e NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME=eno1: setting the Network Interface Card to be used
  • --shm-size="5g": setting the size of shared memory
  • --network=host: indicating that host network will be used
  1. installing YiTu_GNN in docker container:
# 1. copy YiTu_GNN to docker container
docker cp YiTu_GNN YiTu_GNN:/home
# 2. enter docker container
docker exec -it YiTu_GNN bash
cd /home/YiTu_GNN
# 3. install YiTu_GNN
python install

Installing with Conda

  1. installing cmake:
mkdir ~/temp
cd ~/temp
sudo mkdir /opt/cmake
sudo sh cmake-$version.$ --prefix=/opt/cmake --skip-license
sudo ln -s /opt/cmake/bin/cmake /usr/local/bin/cmake
cd ~
rm -rf ~/temp
  1. installing conda:
export LANG=C.UTF-8 LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
export PATH=/opt/conda/bin:$PATH

apt-get update --fix-missing && \
    apt-get install -y wget bzip2 ca-certificates curl git && \
    apt-get clean && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

wget --quiet -O ~/ && \
    /bin/bash ~/ -b -p /opt/conda && \
    rm ~/ && \
    /opt/conda/bin/conda clean -ya && \
    ln -s /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/ /etc/profile.d/ && \
    echo ". /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/" >> ~/.bashrc && \
    echo "conda activate base" >> ~/.bashrc

export TINI_VERSION=v0.16.1
source ~/.bashrc
  1. installing related dependency packages:
conda create -n YiTu_GNN python=3.7.5
conda activate YiTu_GNN
conda install -y astunparse numpy ninja pyyaml mkl \
	mkl-include setuptools cffi \
	typing_extensions future six \
	requests dataclasses \
	pytest nose cython scipy \
	networkx matplotlib nltk \
	tqdm pandas scikit-learn && \
	conda install -y -c pytorch magma-cuda102
conda install pytest -c conda-forge
pip3 install rdflib
# stand-alone dependency packages
apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
    libboost-all-dev \
    libgoogle-perftools-dev \
    protobuf-compiler && \
	rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
  1. installing pytorch from source
mkdir ~/temp
cd ~/temp
# download the PyTorch source code that can support parameters with multiple versions
git clone --recursive -b multiversion-
cd pytorch
# if you are updating an existing checkout
git submodule sync
git submodule update --init --recursive

# Compile and install PyTorch
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${CONDA_PREFIX:-"$(dirname $(which conda))/../"}
USE_NINJA=OFF python install --cmake

cd ~
rm -rf ~/temp

Possible problem: Lack of valgrind.h

Solution: cd third_party/valgrind && git checkout VALGRIND_3_18_0

  1. installing DGL:
conda install -y -c dglteam dgl-cuda10.2=0.7.1
  1. installing YiTu_GNN
python install
  1. To use the heterogeneous graph training module, run the following commands on ./YiTu_GNN/YiTu_H directory:
python install
  1. To use the Temporal GNN training module, run the following commands on ./YiTu_GNN/YiTu_T directory:
python build_ext --inplace


Environment requrements:

  1. G++==7.5.0
  2. cuda==10.2
  3. Openmpi==2.1.1
  4. Python=3.7

Run the following commands on root/examples/YiTu_GNN/NDP directory:

#compile graph algorithms with NDP
cmake .
#compile graph algorithms without NDP
cd nondp
cd ..
#compile graph formats converters
cd tools
cd ..

Data Preprocessing

1. YiTu_GNN

Without NDP

Downloading Dataset:
cd /home/data
git clone
python example/YiTu_GNN/single/ --data_path /home/data/planetoid/data --dataset citeseer
python example/YiTu_GNN/single/ --data_path /home/data/planetoid/data --dataset cora
python example/YiTu_GNN/single/ --data_path /home/data/planetoid/data --dataset pubmed

With NDP

Dataset Format (vnum represents the number of vertices)
  • adj.npz: graph adjacency matrix, shape (vnum, vnum), saved as scipy.sparse coo matrix format.
  • labels.npy: vertex label, shape (vnum,), saved as numpy.array format.
  • test.npy, train.npy, val.npy: boolean array, shape (vnum,), saved as numpy.array format.
  • feat.npy(optional): feature of vertex, shape (vnum, feat-size), saved as numpy.array, can be generated randomly if not provided.
Downloading Dataset and Converting Dataset Format
mkdir reddit
curl --output reddit/
unzip -d reddit reddit/
python examples/YiTu_GNN/NDP/data/ --dataset reddit --out-dir /home/reddit
Subgraph generation
  • hash partition

    python YiTu_GNN/NDP/partition/ --num-hops 2 --partition 1 --dataset /home/reddit
  • dg-based partition

    python YiTu_GNN/NDP/partition/ --num-hops 2 --partition 1 --dataset /home/reddit

2. YiTu_GP

Input Graph Formats

The followings are two graph file examples.

Graph.el ("SOURCE DESTINATION" for each edge in each line):

0 1
0 3
2 3
1 2

Graph.wel ("SOURCE DESTINATION WEIGHT" for each edge in each line):

0 1 26
0 3 33
2 3 40
1 2 10

Graph Formats Converters

YiTu_GP accepts binary serialized pre-built CSR graph representation (.bcsr and .bcsrw). Reading binary formats is faster and more space efficient. To convert edge-list (.el) and weighted edge-list (.wel) format graph files to the binary format, run the following commands on the root/examples/YiTu_GNN/NDP directory:

#convert Graph.el to Graph.bcsr
tools/converter path_to_Graph.el

#convert Graph.wel to Graph.bcsr and Graph.bcsrw
tools/converter path_to_Graph.wel

The first command converts Graph.el to the binary CSR format and generates a binary graph file with .bcsr extension under the same directory as the original file. The second command converts Graph.wel to a binary graph file with .bcsr extension and a binary edgeWeight file with .bcsrw extension.

3. YiTu_H

YiTu_H supports a diverse range of datasets tailored for different types of graph algorithms. For general graph convolutional networks (GCN) and graph attention networks (GAT), it provides support for popular datasets such as 'cora_tiny', 'amazon', 'cora_full', and 'reddit', which are widely used in standard graph learning tasks. Additionally, for specialized models like relational GCN (RGCN) and relational GAT (RGAT) that handle heterogeneous graphs, YiTu includes support for datasets with complex relational structures, such as 'aifb_hetero', 'mutag_hetero', 'bgs_hetero', and 'am_hetero'. This comprehensive dataset compatibility enables YiTu to perform efficiently across various graph types, from homogenous to heterogeneous networks, supporting diverse applications in graph analytics.

PYTHONPATH=. python3 test/ --info
  • Expected output:
n_nodes: 7262
node-types: 7
meta-paths: 104
n_rows: 216138
n_edges: 48810
avg_degrees: 4.030543059612123
n_nodes: 27163
node-types: 5
meta-paths: 50
n_rows: 281757
n_edges: 148100
avg_degrees: 0.5861625145724975

4. YiTu_T

The four datasets are available to download from AWS S3 bucket using the script. The total download size is around 350GB.

To use your own dataset, you need to put the following files in the folder \DATA\\<NameOfYourDataset>\

  1. edges.csv: The file that stores temporal edge informations. The csv should have the following columns with the header as ,src,dst,time,ext_roll where each of the column refers to edge index (start with zero), source node index (start with zero), destination node index, time stamp, extrapolation roll (0 for training edges, 1 for validation edges, 2 for test edges). The CSV should be sorted by time ascendingly.
  2. ext_full.npz: The T-CSR representation of the temporal graph. We provide a script to generate this file from edges.csv. You can use the following command to use the script

    python --data <NameOfYourDataset>

  3. (optional): The torch tensor that stores the edge featrues row-wise with shape (num edges, dim edge features). Note: at least one of or should present.
  4. (optional): The torch tensor that stores the node featrues row-wise with shape (num nodes, dim node features). Note: at least one of or should present.
  5. labels.csv (optional): The file contains node labels for dynamic node classification task. The csv should have the following columns with the header as ,node,time,label,ext_roll where each of the column refers to node label index (start with zero), node index (start with zero), time stamp, node label, extrapolation roll (0 for training node labels, 1 for validation node labels, 2 for test node labels). The CSV should be sorted by time ascendingly.


Without NDP

1. YiTu_GNN

To run the sample programs, run the following on root directory:

python example/YiTu_GNN/single/gcn/ --data_path /home/data/planetoid/data --dataset citeseer --dim 3703 --classes 6
python example/YiTu_GNN/single/gcn/ --data_path /home/data/planetoid/data --dataset cora --dim 1433 --classes 7
python example/YiTu_GNN/single/gcn/ --data_path /home/data/planetoid/data --dataset pubmed --dim 500 --classes 3

2. YiTu_GP

To run the sample programs, run the following on root/examples/YiTu_GNN/NDP directory:

nondp/bfs-w --input bcsrgraph_path --source 1
nondp/cc-w --input bcsrgraph_path --source 1
nondp/pr-w --input bcsrgraph_path
nondp/sssp-w --input bcsrgraph_path --source 1
nondp/bc-w --input bcsrgraph_path --source 1

3. YiTu_H

To run the sample programs, run the following on root/YiTu_GNN/YiTu_H directory: performance comparison with baseline in terms of throughput and memory consumption.

PYTHONPATH=. python3 test/ --lib=dgl --model=rgcn --dataset=aifb_hetero --d_hidden=32
PYTHONPATH=. python3 test/ --lib=XGNN_H --model=rgcn --dataset=aifb_hetero --d_hidden=32

# R-GAT on AIFB (slower)
PYTHONPATH=. python3 test/ --lib=dgl --model=rgat --dataset=aifb_hetero --d_hidden=32
PYTHONPATH=. python3 test/ --lib=XGNN_H --model=rgat --dataset=aifb_hetero --d_hidden=32
  • Expected output:
[DGL] aifb-hetero, DGLRGCNModel, d_hidden=32
allocated_bytes.all.allocated: 384.49 MB
allocated_bytes.small_pool.allocated: 330.37 MB
allocated_bytes.large_pool.allocated: 54.12 MB
throughput: 1.0x
[HGL] AIFBDataset, RGCNModel, d_hidden=32
allocated_bytes.all.allocated: 58.97 MB
allocated_bytes.small_pool.allocated: 45.17 MB
allocated_bytes.large_pool.allocated: 13.80 MB
throughput: 15.0x~20.0x
  • Benchmark Parameters:
    • --lib: 'dgl', 'XGNN_H', 'pyg'
    • --model: 'gcn', 'gat', 'rgcn', 'rgat'
    • --dataset: 'cora_tiny', 'amazon', 'cora_full', 'reddit' (for 'gcn', 'gat'), 'aifb_hetero', 'mutag_hetero', 'bgs_hetero', 'am_hetero' (for 'rgcn', 'rgat')
    • --d_hidden: 32 is the recommanded hidden size

4. YiTu_T

To run the sample programs, run the following on root/YiTu_GNN/YiTu_T directory:

Single GPU Link Prediction

python --data <NameOfYourDataset> --config <PathToConfigFile>

MultiGPU Link Prediction

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=<NumberOfGPUs+1> --data <NameOfYourDataset> --config <PathToConfigFile> --num_gpus <NumberOfGPUs>

Dynamic Node Classification

Currenlty, TGL only supports performing dynamic node classification using the dynamic node embedding generated in link prediction.

For Single GPU models, directly run

python --data <NameOfYourDATA> --config <PathToConfigFile> --model <PathToSavedModel>

For multi-GPU models, you need to first generate the dynamic node embedding

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=<NumberOfGPUs+1> --data <NameOfYourDataset> --config <PathToConfigFile> --num_gpus <NumberOfGPUs> --model <PathToSavedModel>

After generating the node embeding for multi-GPU models, run

python --data <NameOfYourDATA> --model <PathToSavedModel>

With NDP(better to use NDP on large graph)

1. YiTu_GNN

  1. Running Graph Server To run the graph server, run the following on root directory:
  • NDP Store Server
python examples/YiTu_GNN/NDP/server/ --dataset /home/reddit --num-workers [1]
  1. Running Trainer To run the trainer, run the following on root/examples/YiTu_GNN/NDP directory:
  • Graph Convolutional Network (GCN)
python --YiTu_GNN 1 --method gcn --dataset /home/reddit --gpu [0] --feat-size 602
  • Graph Isomorphism Network (GIN)
python --YiTu_GNN 1 --method gin --dataset /home/reddit --gpu [0] --feat-size 602

2. YiTu_GP

The application takes a graph as input as well as some optional arguments. For example:

python --YiTu_GNN 0 --method bfs --input bcsrgraph_path --source 1
python --YiTu_GNN 0 --method cc --input bcsrgraph_path --source 1
python --YiTu_GNN 0 --method pr --input bcsrgraph_path
python --YiTu_GNN 0 --method sssp --input bcsrgraph_path --source 1
python --YiTu_GNN 0 --method sswp --input bcsrgraph_path --source 1
python --YiTu_GNN 0 --method bc --input bcsrgraph_path --source 1

For applications that run on unweighted graphs and weighted graphs, the input argument are both the graph file (.bcsr). For weighted graphs, the edgeWeight file (.bcsrw) should be in the same directory as the graph file (.bcsr).

The source argument is an integer to indicate the source vertex, and the source vertex id is 0 By default.


张宇 赵进 余辉 叶楚玥 陈子康
张宇 赵进 余辉 叶楚玥 陈子康


YiTu is an easy-to-use runtime to fully exploit the hybrid parallelism of different hardwares (e.g., GPU) to efficiently support the execution of various kinds of graph algorithms (e.g., GNNs).






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