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About Liberouter Security Tools

Liberouter Security Tools (LiST) is an initiative to provide an easy way to setup and operate network monitoring and analysis toolset provided by CESNET. It takes flow records in form of NetFlow or IPFIX messages and provided tools for reception, processing, storing, analysing and displaying the data and processed results. For complete list of features read ahead to section LiST components

LiST installation

LiST uses ansible to automate installation and manage running instances. The LiST playbook requires at least version 2.1.0 and is targeted at CentOS 7 and Scientific Linux 7 systems.

LiST components

Following Components can be installed using ansible:


  • Nagios monitoring
  • Local Warden server for testing
  • Local Warden client that writes to files
  • Let's Encrypt certificate

LiST server initial configuration

To install LiST on a new server, the ansible has to have access to a root or a user with sudo. Following configuration is also expected:


-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 5555 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 5666 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p udp --dport 4739 -j ACCEPT

To permit ports: 80/TCP (Webserver), 443/TCP (Webserver), 5555/TCP (NEMEA Dashboard backend), 5666/TCP (NRPE - Nagios), 4739/UDP (IPFIXcol).


Defaults   !requiretty



LiST inventory file

Each hosts file can specify following host groups:

  • [list] - Basic LiST provisioning
  • [warden] - Local Warden server installation for testing
  • [letsencrypt] - Create Let's encrypt certificate for the hosts, needs public IP
  • [nagios-clients] - Clients to be monitored by Nagios server
  • [nagios-servers] - Nagios server to monitor the clients

LiST per host configuration

It is possible to specify per host variables and configuration file to differentiate between managed hosts. This configuration can be found under the inventory directory. IT is possible to have a completely separate inventory, for example to track changes in hosts configuration in a repository.

Several variables can be set in the host_vars/hostname file:

timezone: Europe/Prague
scgui_history_minutes: 120
scgui_branch: devel
sample_data_src: ""
mongod_cachesizeGB: 1
nagios_client_hostgroups: [nemea-collectors, list]
nagios_client_contacts: []
nagios_client_exclude_services: [nemea-running-modules, link-traffic]
nagios_server_nopasswd: false
nemea_use_testing_repo: false

letsencrypt_cert: {
    email: ""

ansible_become: true

The sample data URL should point to bzipped2 ipfix file with data stored by ipfix plugin of IPFIXcol collector.

Size of Mongo database cache in gigabytes. Allows float numbers (e.g.: 0.25)

Nagios client hostgroup list is a list of hostgroups to which the host belongs. If it is not an existing (nemea-collectors or list), the hostgroup must be created by adding configuration file for it (see next lines). Default is both nemea-collectors and list hostgroups.

Each host monitored by nagios can report to specific contacts. If none are specified, notifications are sent to admins contact group. The contacts must already exist.

Nagios client can be excluded from specific services if necessary.

Nagios server can be installed without password (for demo or secure environment).

Nemea testing repository can be used by setting nemea_use_testing_repo to true.

Let's encrypt certificate creation allows to set custom contact mail.

Configuration files are located in host_files/hostname/:

  • nemea directory copies to /etc/nemea
  • warden directory copies to /etc/warden and contains configuration for warden client
  • certificate directory must contain certificate.crt and certificate.key files that are used for apache and nemea-dashboard API
  • ipfixcol directory can contain:
    • ipfixcol-startup.xml, which is the base to which other configuration parts are added.
    • profiles.xml, which is used to configure profiles by the SecurityCloud GUI
  • nagios directory for configuring Nagios service
    • server directory contents is copied to /etc/nagios/conf.d and can be used to define new hostgroups and services.

Usage of Ansible

The ansible playbook uses two main tags: install and update. At least one of them has to be given at any time. The install tag is for initial installation, the update skips some steps that do not need to be repeated and refreshes repository caches so that latest versions of packages are installed.

To select only part of the playbook, --skip-tags can be used with ansible-playbook. Almost all roles can be excluded, list all tags that are to be applied by --list-tags

A basic ansible playbook command (call from the ansible directory):

ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts site.yml --tags install

The site.yml playbook includes all parts of the LiST. You can use only selected playbooks, e.g. nagios.yml to setup nagios. In that case, everything except Nagios roles and hostgroups are ignored.

LiST Vagrant box

Local development and testing of LiST can be easily done using Vagrant box. Just go to vagrant directory and call

vagrant up

It will create new virtual machine and automatically apply the LiST ansible playbook.

Default login

  • Nemea-Dashboard: nemea/nemea
  • Liberouter GUI: admin/admin