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MemSurfer is an efficient and versatile tool to compute and analyze membrane surfaces found in a wide variety of large-scale molecular simulations. MemSurfer works independently of the type of simulation, directly on the 3D point coordinates, and can handle a variety of membranes as well as atomic simulations. MemSurfer provides many built-in analysis tasks, such as computing the membrane curvature, density and normals of lipids, and area per lipid. More importantly, MemSurfer provides a simple-to-use Python API that researchers can easily use/extend to perform other types of analysis.

MemSurfer is an analysis tool that predates the Joint Design of Advanced Computing Solutions for Cancer (JDACS4C) pilot projects, but Pilot 2 improved and optimized it. Researchers use MemSurfer to perform basic analysis of membrane simulations (such as local area densities) in preparation for creating a macro model from coarse-grained molecular dynamics data.

User Community

Researchers who want to compute and analyze membrane surfaces or study their properties for large computational jobs such as those carried out by the JDACS4C Pilot 2 program.


Requires many software dependencies, even on well-supported high-performance computing systems such as NIH's Biowulf.


MemSurfer allows analysis of membranes that are highly complex and have curved geometries that greatly deviate from a simple planar state, appropriately characterizing the geometric and topological properties of the membrane surface. It works independently of the type of simulation and directly on 3D point coordinates; as a result, MemSurfer can handle a variety of membranes. MemSurfer provides direct access to the membrane surface itself, allowing the user to potentially conceive and compute a variety of nonstandard properties.

Components and Technical Details

To use the software contained in this GitHub repository, choose one of the following options:

  • If you want to use MemSurfer without installation, you can access the Preinstalled MemSurfer on Biowulf.
  • If you want to modify the code for your purposes, you can (very carefully) install a copy of MemSurfer and external dependencies using MemSurfer Installation on Biowulf, based on instructions from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).


The example directory includes a simple example to test the installation and to demonstrate the functionality of MemSurfer. (The MemSurfer Installation on Biowulf also contains a section on testing the installation process.) The example reads a point set that represents a 2D sinusoidal surface with added noise in z-dimension and generates *.vtp files that you can visualize using Paraview.


LLNL released MemSurfer under GNU GPL-3.0 license.

For details, refer to LICENSE and NOTICE.


Document Information

Authors: Harsh Bhatia ( and Peer-Timo Bremer

Released: July 22, 2021