pyMDMix ---
The program is distributed under GNU GPLv3 license. Find the license file under Licenses/ folder.
All documentation on program usage is online at
This version of pyMDMix depends on:
- ambertools>=12
- python>=2.7
make sure ambertools environment variables are set
it is advised to install pyMDMix in a virtual environment
there are three recommended ways to install pyMDMix:
from the repository by
python -m pip install [insert address here]
from the project's local folder after cloning the repo by
python -m pip install .
Use conda or mamba: we will first create the correct conda environment which will already contain ambertools. We will then set the AMBERHOME variable within the environment and finally proceed to install pymdmix from the local git cloned files. Make sure
points to the conda installation directory (it may happen when you activate the new environment this varaible is lost, in that case change the variable for the explicit path).
git clone
cd pyMDMix
conda env create -f environment_p27.yml
conda activate mdmix-env
conda env config vars set AMBERHOME=$CONDA_PREFIX/envs/mdmix-env
pip install .
You can test the package has been successfuly installed by activating
the environment and, from a folder other than the cloned repository, running
python -m pyMDMix
if everything went fine, you will see something like
Welcome to MDMix 2.6
The main script should have been installed correclty also. check it by running
mdmix -h
Test the program works correctly: Move again to the package source directory and type: > python pyMDMix/ all This will run a series of source code checks. No test should fail.
Build and run from a docker container using the provided Dockerfile.
- docker build -t pymdmix .
- docker run -v $PWD:/mnt pymdmix -h
The docker run command will mount the current working directory (windows users should replace $PWD by %cd%) so the container has access to the current location. Output will be also in the current working directory. s
Read program usage at online documentation.