This is a Shell script that will install the pi-top SDK and its dependecies automatically
- It will update your system
- Check your version of Raspberry Pi OS stage by checking /boot/issue.txt
- Stage 2 - Lite
- Stage 4 - Mininmal
- Stage 5 - Full
- If its Lite version then it will install the following
- python3-pip
- libopenjp2-7
- libilmbase-dev
- libopenexr-dev
- libgstreamer1.0-dev
- libavcodec-dev
- libavformat-dev
- libswscale-dev
- openCV
- If its Minimal or Full it will install only openCV
- It will then add the pi-top repo and apt key
- then it will install the pi-top SDK
You will know if it suceeded in installing everything correctly when you see the pi-top animation start on the OLED followed by the menu system (default Battery status)
wget -O - | bash