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Code and models for "The Interplay of Variant, Size, and Task Type in Arabic Pre-trained Language Models". EACL 2021, WANLP.


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CAMeLBERT: A collection of pre-trained models for Arabic NLP tasks:

This repo contains code for the experiments presented in our paper: The Interplay of Variant, Size, and Task Type in Arabic Pre-trained Language Models.


This code was written for python>=3.7, pytorch 1.5.1, and transformers 3.1.0. You will also need few additional packages. Here's how you can set up the environment using conda (assuming you have conda and cuda installed):

git clone

conda create -n CAMeLBERT python=3.7
conda activate CAMeLBERT

pip install -r requirements.txt


Pretrained Models

Our eight CAMeLBERT models are available on Hugging Face's model hub along with their detailed descriptions. Note: to download our models as described in the model hub, you would need transformers>=3.5.0. Otherwise, you could download the models manually.

Arabic Frequency Lists

We also provide a frequency lists dataset derived from the pretraining datasets (17.3B tokens) used to pretrain the family of CAMeLBert models. The frequency dataset is available at

Fine-tuning Experiments:

All fine-tuned models can be found here.

Text Classification:

Sentiment Analysis:

For the sentiment analysis experiments, we combined four datasets: 1) ArSAS; 2) ASTD; 3) SemEval-2017 4A; 4) ArSenTD.
The models were fine-tuned on ArSenTD and the train splits of ArSAS, ASTD, and SemEval-2017. We then evaluate all the checkpoints on a single dev split from ArSAS, ASTD, and SemEval-2017 and pick the best checkpoint to report the results on the test splits of ArSAS, ASTD, and SemEval-2017 repsectively. To run the fine-tuning:

export DATA_DIR=/path/to/data
export TASK_NAME=arabic_sentiment

python \
  --model_type bert \
  --model_name_or_path /path/to/pretrained_model/ \ # Or huggingface model id 
  --task_name $TASK_NAME \
  --do_train \
  --do_eval \
  --eval_all_checkpoints \
  --save_steps 500 \
  --data_dir $DATA_DIR \
  --max_seq_length 128 \
  --per_gpu_train_batch_size 32 \
  --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 32 \
  --learning_rate 3e-5 \
  --num_train_epochs 3.0 \
  --overwrite_output_dir \
  --overwrite_cache \
  --output_dir /path/to/output_dir \
  --seed 12345

Dialect Identification:

For the dialect identification experiments, we fine-tuned the models on four different dialect identification datasets: 1) MADAR Corpus 26; 2) MADAR Corpus 6; 3) MADAR Twitter-5; 4) NADI Country-level. We fine-tuned the models across the four datasets and we pick the best checkpoints on the dev sets to report results on the test sets. To run the fine-tuning:

export DATA_DIR=/path/to/data
export TASK_NAME=arabic_did_madar_26 # or arabic_did_madar_6, arabic_did_madar_twitter, arabic_did_nadi_country

python \
  --model_type bert \
  --model_name_or_path /path/to/pretrained_model/ \ # Or huggingface model id
  --task_name $TASK_NAME \
  --do_train \
  --do_eval \
  --eval_all_checkpoints \
  --save_steps 500 \
  --data_dir $DATA_DIR \
  --max_seq_length 128 \
  --per_gpu_train_batch_size 32 \
  --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 32 \
  --learning_rate 3e-5 \
  --num_train_epochs 10.0 \
  --overwrite_output_dir \
  --overwrite_cache \
  --output_dir /path/to/output_dir \
  --seed 12345

Poetry Classification:

For the poetry classification experiments, we fine-tuned the models on the APCD dataset. For each model, we pick the best checkpoint based on the dev set to report results on the test set. To run the fine-tuning:

export DATA_DIR=/path/to/data
export TASK_NAME=arabic_poetry

python \
  --model_type bert \
  --model_name_or_path /path/to/pretrained_model/ \ # Or huggingface model id
  --task_name $TASK_NAME \
  --do_train \
  --do_eval \
  --eval_all_checkpoints \
  --save_steps 5000 \
  --data_dir $DATA_DIR \
  --max_seq_length 128 \
  --per_gpu_train_batch_size 32 \
  --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 32 \
  --learning_rate 3e-5 \
  --num_train_epochs 3.0 \
  --overwrite_output_dir \
  --overwrite_cache \
  --output_dir /path/to/output_dir \
  --seed 12345

Bash scripts to run text-classification fine-tuning and evaluation can be found in text-classification/scripts/.

Token Classification:


For the NER experiments, we used the ANERCorp dataset and followed the splits defined by Obeid et al., 2020. The dataset doesn't have a dev split, so we fine-tune the models on the train split and evaluate the last checkpoint on the test split. To run the fine-tuning:

export DATA_DIR=/path/to/data                 # Should contain train/dev/test/labels files
export MAX_LENGTH=512
export BERT_MODEL=/path/to/pretrained_model/  # Or huggingface model id
export OUTPUT_DIR=/path/to/output_dir
export BATCH_SIZE=32
export NUM_EPOCHS=3
export SAVE_STEPS=750
export SEED=12345

 python \
  --data_dir $DATA_DIR \
  --labels $DATA_DIR/labels.txt \
  --model_name_or_path $BERT_MODEL \
  --output_dir $OUTPUT_DIR \
  --max_seq_length  $MAX_LENGTH \
  --num_train_epochs $NUM_EPOCHS \
  --per_device_train_batch_size $BATCH_SIZE \
  --save_steps $SAVE_STEPS \
  --seed $SEED \
  --overwrite_output_dir \
  --overwrite_cache \
  --do_train \

POS Tagging:

For the POS tagging experiments, we fine-tuned the models on three different datasets:

  1. Penn Arabic Treebank (PATB): in MSA and has 32 POS tags
  2. Egyptian Arabic Treebank (ARZATB): in EGY and has 33 POS tags
  3. GUMAR corpus: in GLF and includes 35 POS tags

We used the same hyperparameters for the 3 datasets and report results on the test sets by using the best checkpoints on the dev sets. To run the fine-tuning:

export DATA_DIR=/path/to/data                 # Should contain train/dev/test/labels files
export MAX_LENGTH=512
export BERT_MODEL=/path/to/pretrained_model/  # Or huggingface model id
export OUTPUT_DIR=/path/to/output_dir
export BATCH_SIZE=32
export NUM_EPOCHS=10
export SAVE_STEPS=500
export SEED=12345

python \
  --data_dir $DATA_DIR \
  --labels $DATA_DIR/labels.txt \
  --model_name_or_path $BERT_MODEL \
  --output_dir $OUTPUT_DIR \
  --max_seq_length  $MAX_LENGTH \
  --num_train_epochs $NUM_EPOCHS \
  --per_device_train_batch_size $BATCH_SIZE \
  --save_steps $SAVE_STEPS \
  --seed $SEED \
  --overwrite_output_dir \
  --overwrite_cache \
  --do_train \

Bash scripts to run token-classification fine-tuning and evaluation can be found in token-classification/scripts/.


If you find any of the CAMeLBERT or the fine-tuned models useful in your work, please cite our paper:

    title = "The Interplay of Variant, Size, and Task Type in {A}rabic Pre-trained Language Models",
    author = "Inoue, Go  and
      Alhafni, Bashar  and
      Baimukan, Nurpeiis  and
      Bouamor, Houda  and
      Habash, Nizar",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Sixth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop",
    month = apr,
    year = "2021",
    address = "Kyiv, Ukraine (Online)",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    abstract = "In this paper, we explore the effects of language variants, data sizes, and fine-tuning task types in Arabic pre-trained language models. To do so, we build three pre-trained language models across three variants of Arabic: Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), dialectal Arabic, and classical Arabic, in addition to a fourth language model which is pre-trained on a mix of the three. We also examine the importance of pre-training data size by building additional models that are pre-trained on a scaled-down set of the MSA variant. We compare our different models to each other, as well as to eight publicly available models by fine-tuning them on five NLP tasks spanning 12 datasets. Our results suggest that the variant proximity of pre-training data to fine-tuning data is more important than the pre-training data size. We exploit this insight in defining an optimized system selection model for the studied tasks.",


Code and models for "The Interplay of Variant, Size, and Task Type in Arabic Pre-trained Language Models". EACL 2021, WANLP.








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