Public demos of high-performance OPA implementation.
Check out our blog post on the idea behind this approach and some cool benchmarks 🙂
The examples can be run on Ubuntu. Tested on AWS EC2.
# Via
chmod +x opa_linux_amd64
sudo mv opa_linux_amd64 /usr/local/bin/opa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install -y g++ golang-go
sudo apt install -y
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
# Re-login to this EC2 instance for `docker` to work as this Linux user.
git clone
git clone
g++ -O3 -DNDEBUG -pthread dperftest/ -Icurrent -o dpt
git clone
for i in sleipnir-public/src/*.cc ; do
g++ -O3 -DNDEBUG -pthread -std=c++17 -I. $i -o $(basename ${i/.cc/})
opa run --server --log-level error
OPA on a single CPU core:
GOMAXPROCS=1 opa run --server --log-level error
Push the policy into OPA:
GH= ; \
curl -s $GH/C5T/asbyrgi/main/tests/rbac_example/self_contained/rbac_example.rego \
| curl -X PUT --data-binary @/dev/stdin localhost:8181/v1/policies/test
Run a test query against OPA:
curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"input":{"user":"alice","action":"read","object":"server123"}}' \
Generate 100K test queries:
# If node.js is installed:
node sleipner-public/src/gen_example_queries.js >queries.txt
# Alternatively:
docker run crnt/sleipnir example_queries >queries.txt
Run a performance test for the first time (against the true OPA with the right policy):
./dpt \
--url localhost:8181/v1/data/rbac/allow \
--queries queries.txt \
--write_goldens goldens.txt \
--content_type application/json
Next runs, to compare against the goldens too:
./dpt \
--url localhost:8181/v1/data/rbac/allow \
--queries queries.txt \
--goldens goldens.txt \
--content_type application/json
Run a dummy Go HTTP server:
go run sleipnir-public/src/dummy_http.go
Run a dummy Go HTTP server on a single CPU core:
GOMAXPROCS=1 go run sleipnir-public/src/dummy_http.go
Run C++ test binaries:
./dummy_http # The "echo server".
./manual_policy_impl # Manual policy implementation.
./manual_policy_norun_impl # HTTP + JSON, no policy eval.
# The `rego2cc` target generates a complete C++ piece of code.
# Other targets: `rego2dsl`, `rego2h`.
GH= ; \
curl -s $GH/C5T/asbyrgi/main/tests/rbac_example/self_contained/rbac_example.rego \
| docker run -i crnt/sleipnir rego2cc rbac allow >
Since the transpiled sources are also part of the src/
directory, then can be run with:
./transpiled -p 8181 -d
./transpiled_strongly_typed -p 8181 -d
The -p 8181
option makes the binary respond via HTTP in a way identical to OPA. And -d
stands for "daemonize", to run the HTTP server until terminated; the default behavior is to respond to queries from the standard input, and terminate as the EOF is read.
Or, to measure PAPS:
./transpiled --queries queries.txt
./transpiled_strongly_typed --queries queries.txt
The commands with -p 8181
start a server on localhost:8181
, identical to OPA wrt the policy evaluation endpoint.