Collection of useful LINQ query operators
Targeted to .Net Standard 2.0
Install the RoyalLibrary NuGet Package.
Install-Package ByteDecoder.RoyalLibrary
dotnet add package ByteDecoder.RoyalLibrary
var myArray = new[] { 1, 45, 34, 435 };
// Evens and odds
// Sum
// Times
5.Times(_ => {
var theVar = 13;
Debug.Log($"This is {theVar}");
// Sequences, IEnumerable<T>
// Each
myArray.ForEach(item => Debug.Log($"Using the strength: {item}"));
string[] shapes = { "circle", "square", "triangle", "octagon" };
shapes.ForEach(shape => {
shape = shape.ToUpper();
// Each with Index
shapes.ForEach((item, index) => {
Debug.Log($"Item: {item.ToUpper()} with index: {index}");
// Map
myArray.Map(item => item * 2).Each(item => Debug.Log($"Using the strength doubled: {item}"));
// Max Element in the sequence
var maxBook = SampleData.Books.MaxElement(book => book.PageCount);
Console.WriteLine($"Max Book Page Count => {maxBook.Title}");
// Deferred Execution with StreamReader sequences
using var reader = new StreamReader("books.csv");
Data =
from line in reader.Lines()
where !line.StartsWith("#")
let parts = line.Split(',')
select new { Title = parts[1], Publisher = parts[3], Isbn = parts[0] };
// Indexes
// 10011001000
IList<bool> source = new List<bool> { true, false, false, true, true, false, false, true, false, false, false };
Data = source.TopIndexes(element => element, 4);
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Copyright (c) 2020 Rodrigo Reyes released under the MIT license