LoRa Daemon and Buildroot image for Beagle Bone Black
- Install rust through rustup
- Add these lines to ~/.cargo/config.toml
linker = "arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc"
rustflags = ["-C", "target-feature=+crt-static"]
sudo apt install g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf
rustup target add arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
- Build with
cargo build --target=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
- Ensure you have rsyslog downloaded and started, if not:
sudo apt install rsyslog
sudo systemctl enable rsyslog
sudo systemctl start rsyslog
- Run rsyslog setup script: rusty_beagle/scripts/setup_rsyslog.sh
- Connect LoRa GND & 3.3V pins to corresponding pins on BBB
- Connect LoRa module to BBB via SPI
- Connect LoRa RST pin to any GPIO pin on BBB
- Connect LoRa DIO0 pin to any GPIO pin on BBB
- Include chosen SPIDEV and GPIO pins in a config file
- Ensure that HDMI is disabled: in /boot/uEnv.txt uncomment the line:
- Ensure that BeagleBone Black has and uses the provided Device Tree Overlays for SPI found in /lib/firmware: in /boot/uEnv.txt uncomment and modify the lines under
###Additional custom capes
- Create config for rusty_beagle, example config is available in rusty_beagle/conf.ron
- Run
./rusty_beagle <path_to_config>
In case of permission errors during POST network connection check, change the capabilities of rusty_beagle binary by running
sudo setcap cap_net_raw+ep [path/to/rusty_beagle]
- In docker directory run commands below
- Docker build
docker build --platform linux/amd64 --progress=plain -t rusty_beagle .
- Docker run
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/output:/output rusty_beagle
- output of build is in the "output" directory
- Copy rusty-beagled.service to /etc/systemd/system/
- make sure the user specified under
has access (permissions) to SPI, network and I2C (if BME is enabled) - make sure to provide the path to the rusty_beagle executable and the desired config under
- default .service file config assumes that the user is debian, the executable & config are located in /home/debian/, and the debian user has access (permissions) to /dev/spidev* devices
- for user's permanent access to SPI devices:
- create a group:
sudo groupadd spidev
- add user to the group:
sudo usermod --append --groups spidev debian
- permanently grant spidev permissions to the group: create
and write:- SUBSYSTEM=="spidev", GROUP="spidev", MODE="0660"
- sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
- sudo udevadm trigger
- create a group:
- make sure the user specified under
- Run
systemctl daemon-reload
to make systemd recognize the .service file - Manage using systemctl
systemctl [start\stop\restart\status] rusty-beagled
- View logs
journalctl -f -u rusty-beagled
for logs & daemon info- KNOWN ISSUE: journal entries are sorted by date - if date & time on BeagleBone is incorrect, journal logs will be out of order
tail -f /var/log/rusty_beagle.log
for logs only
- To start the daemon at boot, run
systemctl enable rusty-beagled
- to disable:
systemctl disable rusty-beagled
- to disable: