This repository contains data and analysis supporting the BuzzFeed News article, "This Is How 23 Countries Feel About Transgender Rights," published December 29, 2016. You can read more about the survey methodology here.
This repository contains the following data from the survey:
Ipsos's spreadsheets of cross-tabulations for the online survey and for the in-person India survey.
The raw, response-level data from the online survey and from the in-person India survey. (Data dictionary available [here](docs/G@ Transgender dictionary.xlsx?raw=true).)
You can also [download Ipsos's PowerPoint deck](docs/Ipsos BuzzFeed Transgender Global Poll TOPLINE 12-19-2016.pptx?raw=true) summarizing the results.
Many of the numbers cited in the article can be found in the cross-tabulation spreadsheets. But BuzzFeed News also conducted additional analyses, which can be found in this notebook.
Please contact Jeremy Singer-Vine at
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