There's an ocean of web design resources available online. Get your feet wet with SharkByte - an interactive, real-time collaborative tool for making static web pages, or building resources to include in larger projects.
Username: admin
Password: password
Home Page
User's Profile Page
- Users can write HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- User input code is rendered in real time, with previews for desktop, and both mobile orientations
- Code is persisted to the user's account when saved
- Code can be exported to a web-ready file for static pages
- Projects can be kept private or made public to collaborate with other users - invite your friends!
- General site content
- CSS, SASS, Materalize
- Site Styling
- JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery
- Functionality of user interaction with site
- NodeJS
- Back end, chosen over Rails because SharkByte relies on real-time interaction with the user and original plans included using
- Express
- Streamline routing
- Passport
- Assists with user setup, securing passwords
- MongoDB
- Storage to persist users, cages, and cage's HTML/CSS
- Mongoose
- Streamlines interaction with database
- Inline JavaScript, used to dynamically incorporate server-side data into files sent to the client
- Firebase
- NoSQL Database as a service, utilized by Firepad
- Firepad API
- Handles collaboration in text-editors
- Code IDE/Editor with simple autocomplete, error warnings, and syntax highlighting
//checkPermission is a custom middleware that checks to make sure the user
// is logged in when they attempt to access a protected route
module.exports.checkPermission = function(req, res, next){
if (req.user){
//update the app's user (maintains state) = req.user;
req.flash('error','You need to login first to access that page!');
//debounce is a helper function I wrote that limits the frequency another
//function, such as one fired by an event, can be called. I used it to
//limit the number of reads/writes to the preview as the user inputs code
function debounce(fn, delay) {
var timer = null;
return function() {
var context = this,
args = arguments;
timer = setTimeout(function() {
fn.apply(context, args);
}, delay);
- Integrate GitHub, so users can import/export files between SharkByte and GitHub
- Add support for compiled languages - Haml, SASS, Jade, Coffeescript, etc
- Resizable windows for code input
- Add a page where cages can be displayed and viewed by users