A Social app that allows users to share Blurbs with each other based on location. Designed and developed over week long sprint.
- Full functionality without user accounts
- Users can create new blurbs, delete blurbs, or interact with blurbs without leaving the page
- Full CRUD available for both cities and blurbs, only blurbs CRUDable through website interface
- Responsive display
HTML | jQuery |
CSS | Ajax |
Bootstrap | Node.js |
Handlebars | Express |
Javascript | Mongoose |
MongoDB | Heroku |
app.post('/api/cities/:id/blurbs', function blurbsCreate(req, res) {
var cityId = req.params.id;
var newBlurb = new db.Blurb({
poster: req.body.poster,
textContent: req.body.textContent,
likes: 0,
imgPath: req.body.imgPath || ""
_id: cityId
function(err, city) {
app.delete('/api/cities/:id/blurbs/:blurbId', function deleteBlurb(req, res) {
var blurbId = req.params.blurbId;
var cityId = req.params.id;
_id: cityId
function(err, city) {
city.blurbs = city.blurbs.filter(function(blurb) {
return blurb._id != blurbId;
- Add user accounts, users can only delete their own posts.
- Design process for creating new cities: users can request new cities and after 10 requests new city is generated
- Add tags to posts
- Develop algorithm to display the lastest/most liked blurbs first
Main Page
City's Posts Page