Creates a Windsor dependency scope per OWIN WebAPI request allowing to use a per request lifestyle component registration in a self-host environment.
- Add the "OWIN.Windsor.DependencyResolverScopeMiddleware" nuget package to your OWIN self-hosted WebAPI project.
- In your Startup.cs file, add "using OWIN.Windsor.DependencyResolverScopeMiddleware;" and configure your Windsor container.
- Configure any "per request" component using the "LifestyleScoped" lifestyle.
- Use the following line to configure you app by passing in the HttpConfiguration and the container (where app: IAppBuilder): app.UseWindsorDependencyResolverScope(config, container).UseWebApi(config);
Your scoped components will by created once per request and disposed at the end of it automatically.
If you ever need to use the dependency resolver inside a subsequent middleware, just use the "GetDependencyResolver" extension method on the IOwinContext from the "OWIN.Windsor.DependencyResolverScopeMiddleware" namespace.