Releases: Breakthrough-Energy/REISE.jl
Releases · Breakthrough-Energy/REISE.jl
Closed Issues
- Add CI for Julia tests (#80)
- Add specification of number of linearization segments to command-line (#98)
- Allow user to specify the Julia environment to use via (#104)
- return sets (#127)
- Error when launching a simulation in container (#129)
Merged pull requests (features)
- feat: add more command line inputs (#109) (@danielolsen)
- Define glpk launcher and expose command line and api option (#112) (@jon-hagg)
- Incorporate a model of demand flexibility (@lanesmith)
- refactor: make api available outside flask context (#130) (@jon-hagg)
Merged pull requests (fixes, etc.)
- chore: update dependency versions (#114) (@danielolsen)
- Improve docker build caching (#116) (@jon-hagg)
- ci: build and push docker image (#119) (@jon-hagg)
- Add julia test CI (#120) (@danielolsen)
- ci: use similar yaml across jobs, simplify naming (#121) (@jon-hagg)
- test: reduce noise from flaky test (#122) (@jon-hagg)
- ci: add workflow_dispatch trigger to docker build (#126) (@jon-hagg)
- fix: specify all parameters for DemandFlexibility struct (#131) (@lanesmith)
- chore: bump version number to v0.2.1 (#133) (@danielolsen)
Closed Issues:
- Refactor for compatibility with JuMP v0.21 (#55)
- Improve documentation of pyreisejl (#69)
- Add support for asymmetric DC lines (#87)
- Add functionality to select the solver to be used (#97)
- Refactor the Gurobi.jl requirement (#101)
- Allow solver settings to be passed via pyreisejl (#102)
Merged pull requests (features):
- feat: allow specification of number of threads to run with (#66) (@danielolsen)
- feat: select number of gurobi threads from python (#67) (@danielolsen)
- feat, refactor: added new entry point to run without PowerSimData (#74) (@ahurli)
- refactor: remove dependency of extract_data on ScenarioList (#75) (@ahurli)
- feat: Add Dockerfile (#85) (@ahurli)
- feat: enable differential pmin/pmax for DC lines (#91) (@danielolsen)
- REST API to launch simulation (#95) (@jon-hagg)
- refactor: accept Suboptimal if load shed is enabled (#96) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add flexibility for solvers besides Gurobi (#99) (@danielolsen)
- feat: implement more storage features (#103) (@danielolsen)
- refactor: remove Gurobi requirement (#106) (@danielolsen)
Merged pull requests (fixes etc.):
- Refactor for JuMP v0.21 compatibility (#62) (@danielolsen)
- Refactor for DataFrames v0.21 compatibility (#63) (@danielolsen)
- chore: change const paths to reflect new server file structure (#65) (@danielolsen)
- Add github action to check formatting (#68) (@jon-hagg)
- fix: correct path to data root dir (mnt) (#70) (@danielolsen)
- fix: refactor storage constraints for JuMP v0.21 compatibility (#71) (@danielolsen)
- fix: remove Julia exit which kills python (#72) (@danielolsen)
- fix: refactor load_shed var for JuMP v0.21 (#73) (@danielolsen)
- docs: add main title (#76) (@rouille)
- Add missing imports and run isort (#77) (@jon-hagg)
- Clean up bugs from call refactor (#78) (@danielolsen)
- ci: add flake8 and fix warnings (#79) (@jon-hagg)
- refactor: clean up thread specification in (#82) (@ahurli)
- bug: update keep matlab flag to work as documentation indicates (#83) (@ahurli)
- Use pandas to update files (#84) (@rouille)
- Update Gurobi.jl to v0.9.3 (#86) (@danielolsen)
- Doc: Add documentation for pyreisejl usage (#88) (@ahurli)
- Fix bug with single storage in extract (#89) (@danielolsen)
- Add license (#90) (@rouille)
- Add .dockerignore (#92) (@jon-hagg)
- refactor: move arg parser to separate file (#93) (@jon-hagg)
- Installation documentation (#94) (@ToddG)
- fix: remove zero-padding for storage gen table (#100) (@danielolsen)
- Non blocking reads from process output (#105) (@jon-hagg)
- ci: use black profile for isort (#107) (@jon-hagg)
- fix: add parentheses for proper boolean algebra (#108) (@danielolsen)
- doc: update README to cover use of alternate solvers (#110) (@danielolsen)
Fully-featured version of the simulation engine, with python functions to call and extract, as used to run scenarios for the July 2020 review.