KiwiSrc is a small project with the goal of providing a modernized version of source SDK, It is based on both Mapbase and Source SDK 2013 Community Edition.
Personaly i like the mapping system used in hammer and overall BSP. I also love the source engine, This lead to the creation of KiwiSRc.
Installation on windows is almost identicle to any other version of SDK2013. Clone of repo: Install GIT/GITHUB Open CMD (not in Admin) Type "Git Clone" Wait for the command to finish. Done!!! Happy Modding my fellow Internet Dweller!
-Unknowen Reason, Shaders show up as a blue-ified brush and console states "PBR_PS30.FXC" isnt found
-Issue with Float Variable "luxeldensity" Under "VRAD.cpp" (Higher should equate to more luxels, but it causes issues and makes shadows blocky)