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Accelerate TRACE algorithm with GPU computing.

GPU computing is used for part of the emission matrix calculation and the viterbi decoding step in TRACE.


Create and activate conda environment for TRACE from environment_3.8.yml file:

$ conda env create -f environment_3.8.yml
$ source activate TRACE_env_3.8

Note: The lastest version of conda might not work here, we used conda 4.3.30 on our machine.

The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is required, you will need to update the GSL lib path and conda environment path in the first two lines in Makefile.

We used nvcc from cuda 10.1 for compiling, and NVIDIA TITAN V for GPU computing. The -arch in Makefile needs to match with the GPU card you are using. More info can be found here:

You might also need to add conda env lib path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH in your environment:

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/shengchd/.conda/envs/TRACE_env_3.8/lib/

Build TRACE_gpu:

$ make


For each DNase-seq data from ENCODE, we used the default peak bed file in hg38, and their corresponding bam file. We first spanned all peaks with nearby 100 bp and then merged the overlapping ones:

bedtools slop -i ENCFF588OCA.bed -g hg38.chrom.sizes -b 100 | bedtools merge -i stdin

We then separated the spanned peak file by chromosomes (e.g. test_chr21/chr21.bed).

There are three main steps in TRACE_gpu:

  1. Data preprocessing on the DNase-seq data, which processes the signal and generates the features required for TRACE. It takes -T to run in parallel on CPUs. If setting --prefix, it will generate three intermediate files containing the features (i.e. test_chr21_seq.txt, test_chr21_count.txt, test_chr21_slope_2.txt). Those features are required and same for each TF.
$ ./TRACE_gpu -T 20 --bam-file ENCFF577DUO.bam --peak-file test_chr21/chr21.bed \
--fasta-file hg38.fa --size-file hg38.chrom.sizes --prefix test_chr21

Required input:

  • <bam.file>: bam file from DNase-seq, its indexed .bai file is also required to be in the same location
  • <bed.file>: peak file called from the input bam file
  • <fasta.file>: genome sequence file
  • <size.file>: genome size file

Required files:

  • <table.file>: two tables used for correct bias in data preprocessing step (currently set as located under ../data/single_hit_bias_table_*.txt, can change in

Output: test_chr21_seq.txt,test_chr21_count.txt, test_chr21_slope_2.txt

Note: This step can be running separately from the following two steps since it only requires CPUs, but needs some modifications on the current script to skip the following steps and only generate the three intermediate files (ends at line 385 of src/esthmm_gpu.c).

  1. CPU preprocess before GPU computing. This step mainly calculates the features unique for each TF (i.e. pwm scores), and stores the features in internal data arrays to copy to GPU in step 3. It also takes -T to run in parallel on CPUs.

  2. GPU computing. This step calculates the emission matrix and runs the viterbi decoding step in TRACE (needs to put --viterbi in command). It processes -X peaks at maximum in each round to fit with the GPU memory. (Our GPU has a 12G memory size, -X 1500 was used.)

step 2-3 are iterated over every TF internally in src/esthmm_gpu.c.


  • To run TRACE_gpu from begining with input bam and bed files (no intermediate files will be output in this case without --prefix):
$ ./TRACE_gpu --bam-file ENCFF577DUO.bam \ 
--viterbi -T 20 -X 1500 --peak-file test_chr21/chr21.bed --chr chr21

Output: results/*_chr21_viterbi_results.txt

  • To run TRACE_gpu on step 2-3 with input feature files:
$ ./TRACE_gpu test_chr21/test_chr21_seq.txt test_chr21/test_chr21_count.txt test_chr21/test_chr21_slope_2.txt \
--viterbi -T 20 -X 1500 --peak-file test_chr21/chr21.bed --chr chr21

Output: results/*_chr21_viterbi_results.txt


  • --chr is the chromosome name used in the output file names.

  • The TF list is in data/TF_list_2020.txt. In the main function in src/esthmm_gpu.c, it will iterate over the first N TFs in the TF list (i.e. nTF in line 72 of src/esthmm_gpu.c ), TFs without available model files under data/model_file will be skipped. nTF is currently set as 3 for a quick test, you should get 2 output files under results/. To iterate over all TFs, set nTF as 746, you should then get 666 output files.

  • The 2 example output files are under results/example_test_chr21. The running time for each step on our machine can be found in results/example_test_chr21/test_chr21.log (in microseconds if with no unit).


Accelerate TRACE algorithm with GPU computing






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