This repository contains code for GP-PoM method as presented in the following paper:
title = {Path Imputation Strategies for Signature Models of Irregular Time Series},
author = {Moor, Michael and Horn, Max and Bock, Christian and Borgwardt, Karsten and Rieck, Bastian},
eprint = {2005.12359},
archiveprefix = {arXiv},
primaryclass = {cs.LG},
year = {2020},
Furthermore, this work was subsumed in this short paper which was accepted for presentation at the ICML 2020 workshop on the art of learning with missing values (Artemiss).
Please install the dependencies as indicated in the requirements.txt
or pyproject.toml
$ poetry install
$ poetry shell
If you are interesting in the raw torch modules which implement GPyTorch-based multi-task GP adapters (our novel GP-PoM as well as the standard monte carlo GP adapter), please check out src/models
In order to quickly test these models on a real-world dataset, simply run:
python exp/ with model.GPRNNModel dataset.PenDigits model.parameters.sampling_type=moments
In case no GPU is available, simply add the argument device=cpu
The above python command starts a fit of a GP adapter using posterior moments (GP-PoM), by default using a GRU cell on the PenDigits dataset. To run a conventional GP adapter employing monte carlo sampling, simply replace mode.parameters.sampling_type=monte_carlo (or leave away the argument, since this is the default).
To make the above example experiment possible, we have provided some boilerplate experiment code under exp/
which makes it easy for us to quickly run a GP-PoM method on a irregularly spaced (due to subsampling) dataset, namely PenDigits.
Keep in mind that several library dependencies are only due to this application and are not essential to the GP-PoM implementation (for instance sacred
Here, we compare the training of a GP-PoM GRU Model against the standard monte carlo GP GRU baseline on the PenDigits dataset after randomly discarding 30% of all time series observations (but fixed for both methods). Using the best hyperparameters for each method, as identified in the paper, we fit 5 repetitions and plot the test performance over the first 2000 mini batch steps in terms of balanced accuracy.
Michael Moor (github)
Bastian Rieck (github)
Max Horn (github)
Christian Bock (github)
Patrick Kidger (github)