- Student: Miral Shah
- Mentor: Mateusz Loskot
- Repository: https://github.com/BoostGSoC19/gil-miral
The goal of this project is to add to GIL selection of core algorithms used in the image processing and analysis techniques Miral proposed to implement algorithms from the following categories:
- thresholding
- channels normalization
- morphological image processing
- noise filtering
- convolutions
- Student: Olzhas Zhumabek
- Mentor: Stefan Seefeld
- Repository: https://github.com/BoostGSoC19/gil-olzhas
The goal of this project is to implement basic algorithms and data structure to create basis for stereo vision algorithms and 3D reconstruction.
- feature detection and extraction
- fundamental matrix calculation
- drawing epipolar lines
- rectification
- Student: Tinko Bartels
- Mentors: Vissarion Fisikopoulos, Adam Wulkiewicz
The goal of this projest is twofold. First, implement algorithms for computing the Delaunay triangulation and (the dual structure) Voronoi diagram of a set of points. Second, implement algorithms for random point generation (according to some given distribution, e.g. uniform) in a geometry.