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Implements cryptographic algorithms on Java, including the official CuaimaCrypt source code.

This project is provided "AS IS", no warranty, no responsibilities, no more documentation that the one included in this repository.

What is CuaimaCrypt

CuaimaCrypt library was born on May 28, 2007.

The first decision was what kind of algorithm would be, one of block coding or pseudo-random sequences coding bits; after much research and testing we integrate both models into one, developing "Shift Codec", which allows a non-cyclic code with pseudo-random sequence.

These Shift Codecs are grouped in Rake Codec, which can process simultaneously 128 bits and these are grouped in sequence of bits by scramblers with four possible operations. The Shift Codecs are chained with other Shift Codecs, which makes his states dependant of the data entered into the process; additionally a sequence of Shift Codec's hopping states.

This coding structure allows to extend the security of the algorithm to the particular needs of everyone just adding more blocks.

All the initial parameters of the algorithm, seeds, scramblers between blocks, seeds hopping sequence, Shift Codec chains, all of them are initialized by the key who define the Lorenz attractors' states.

The equation that define the possible combinations of CuaimaCrypt’s configuration is:


CuaimaCrypt Equation

Where N is the number of blocks in the algorithm.

Number of Blocks N CuaimaCrypt’s Configuration Combinations Equivalent Key Bits Length
2 3.6855x10 ^ 165 550
4 5.4648x10 ^ 324 1078
6 7.1220x10 ^ 484 1610
9 2.0384x10 ^ 726 2412
16 5.6466x10 ^ 1293 4297
32 2.0153x10 ^ 2603 8647
64 1.8187x10 ^ 5250 17440
128 8.2660x10 ^ 10600 35215
256 5.9661x10 ^ 21416 71144
512 4.2701x10 ^ 43278 143768
1024 4.6637x10 ^ 87463 290548

In perspective at the observable universe we have in a gross underestimation of 1x10^29 stars according to astronomers' estimates. If we compare these values with known symmetric key algorithms we can see:

  • AES: 256 bits
  • Blowfish: 448 bits
  • Serpent: 256 bits
  • Twofish: 256 bits
  • GOST: 256 bits
  • REDOC: 160 bits
  • IDEA: 128 bits
  • MMB: 128 bits
  • SAFER K-128: 128 bits
  • NewDES: 120 bits
  • 3-WAY: 96 bits
  • CRAB: 80 bits
  • SKIPJACK: 80 bits (Clasificated algorithm by NSA)
  • CAST: 64 bits
  • Madryga: 64 bits
  • FEAL: 64 bits
  • LOKI: 64 bits
  • SAFER K-64: 64 bits
  • DES: 56 bits

As we can see with 6 blocks; CuaimaCrypt has 1610 bits, which is about 3.5 times the level of security offered by Blowfish.

Another CuaimaCrypt's feature is that the security level is not determined by the length of the password, in the extreme case that key is just one letter, all the initial values are generated by the Lorenz attractors, one key of less than 9 chars is not recommended as it would be extremely vulnerable to a brute force attack against the key itself, so the security of the key is the user's responsibility.

At algorithm tests, medium files (1 MB) in size, it has a completely flat distribution of characters, with a variation of only 0.05% maximum over all the ASCII table.


This library depends on BTUtils library.



Copyright © BolivarTech 2023 All Rights Reserved.

BtCrypto and CuaimaCrypt © 2023 by Julian Bolivar is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Please see License File for more information.


Implements some cryptographics algorigms on Java, including CuaimaCrypt.




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