Lightweight Arch Linux rice with a window manager and base programs
Install Arch Linux -> (make sure to install NetworkManager or you will not be able to connect to the internet after restart)
pacman -S networkmanager systemctl enable NetworkManager.service
Configure basic user with sudo privilages
Install sudo & visudo
pacman -S sudo visudo
Make a new user
useradd --create-home <username> -p <password>
Add user to the wheel group
usermod --append --groups wheel <username>
Edit sudoers file using "visudo"
Find the "%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL" line and uncomment it.
Switch to new user
su <username>
Install git
sudo pacman -S git
Clone the repository
git clone cd archice
Run the install_base script
Enter the DE (configured in ~/.xinitrc)
PulseEffects is a GTK advanced utility for applying several audio effects (e.g. Noise reduction, Equalizer etc.) to audio input and output.
I decided to use pulseaudio and because the main version of PulseEffects only supports Pipewire now, we need to install the pulseeffects-legacy package from AUR.
To Install PulseEffects simply navigate to the archice directory and run the "" script as user:
Shortcuts can be configured in ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml
- Terminal - CTRL + ALT + T
- Screenshot(to ~/Pictures) - Print
- Screenshot(to clipboard) - Shift + Print
- Screenshot(Selection/GUI) - CTRL + Shift + Print
- Synapse(Search/Open programs/Start menu) - Super + Space
- Thunar(File manager) - Super + E
- On first startup the sound may be muted by default. If that happens simply middle click on the sound tray icon to open the volume mixer (pavucontrol) and unmute your speakers.