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Ferenc Bodon edited this page May 2, 2019 · 91 revisions

Welcome to the Python-For-Q-Developers wiki!

Q is an excellent programming language that is widely used in the financial industry. Take a look here to get a quick overview of the language.

Below tables contain Python (including libraries Numpy and pandas) equivalent of a Q command. If you don't find something then probably there is no syntactic difference, for example, indexing a list is l[i] in both Python and Q.


command Q Python Q example Python example comment
QQ performance
QQ codes verbosity ([] a: 8 * til 4) pd.DataFrame({'a': 8 * np.array(range(4))})
QQ using [], (), {} optional mandatory
P learning curve
PP external libraries

Data types

command Q Python Q example Python example comment
boolean constants 1b 0b True False
generic null :: None
typed null 0N, 0n, `, " ", etc not supported
infinite values 0W, -0W, 0w, etc. math.inf
QQ type symbol/category ` not supported `foo`bar Python supports enum by class Enum, but it there you need to provide the list of values during object creation. In Q symbol `foo is represented by an integer and all Q process contain a symbol map. This is a flexible, memory efficient and convenient feature
P complex number not supported j 3 + 4j

Data Structures

command Q Python Q example Python example comment
P tuples not supported comma is the separator 3, 1.0, "hello"
set not supported set {2, 3 , 2 , 4} Q's set functions e.g. inter, distinct serve set purpose
tables ([] ) DataFrame in library pandas ([] col1: 1 2; col2: 3 4) pd.DataFrame( {'col1': [1, 2], 'col2': [3, 4]}) In Q data structure table is part of the language
PP Class not supported Class class ClassName: ...


command Q Python Q example Python example comment
assignment : = a: 3 a= 3
tuple unpacking not supported supported x, y = 1, 2
variable assignment inside an expression supported not supported z*2+ (z: 3), 4
comparison = == 3 = 5 3 == 5
integer division div // 7 div 5 7 // 5
non-integer division % / 10 % 3 10 / 3
length of list/dictionary/table count len count l len(l)
Q applying monadic function on a list each map f each l map(f, l) You can omit keyword each in Q if f handles lists as input (most built in functions like neg, log, etc.) for example log li works fine. Python is not that flexible, try math.log(li)
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