The robot code of the team Blue Shift (FTC 5549) for the FIRST Tech Challenge 2017-2018 season, Relic Recovery. Based on the given ftc_app. It contains the code for both the driver controller TeleOP and the driver-less autonomous period of the competition.
Our robot design (.dwg):
- Mecanum Drive Base Programming
- Mecanum Drive Base Engineering/Building
- REV Expansion Hubs (+ Color Sensing)
- Programming Optimization
- CAD Design
- Find us on the FTC Discord, tagged: team 5549
- Email us at
- Mecanum Drive (TeleOP) - Control a four wheeled mecanum robot.
- Mecanum Drive (Debug TeleOP) - Control a four wheeled mecanum robot with information from gyroscopes, encoders.
- KeyGlyphsPark (Autonomous) - Read the VuForia Vumark, score the jewel, place the glyph in the key.
- ForwardDrop (Autonomous) - Drive forward (straight) and drop off a glyph. To be used as a last resort in case of failure.