Code for making a swerve chassis move
Swerve drive is a holonomic driving system. Meaning it can move in x and y direction and turn at the same time. You can see an example here.
Swerve drive works with four wheels called modules, each module has direction and speed, depending on these values the robot can move with the desired speed and direction.
Let's separate swerve drive into the key steps we need to take.
Swerve drive is ussualy programmed in a field relative reference frame, meaning forward will be forward no matter the rotation of the robot.
We start with the x speed, y speed and rotational speed given as input. We convert to field relative speeds using the gyroscope to get the heading and offset the speeds with that.
Using the field relative speeds we calculate the rotation and speed (Swerve Module State) of each module.
And finally we need to set the mosules to their corresponding state
WPILib lets us calculate this using ChassisSpeeds
and SwerveDriveKinematics
Image retrieved from FRC 0 to autnomous
As we need to factor this into a Command Based Robot we will need to separate Subsystems and commands.
The first subsystem is SwerveModule
in which the state of an individual module will be set.
The second one is SwerveDrive
that will be responsible for calculating the state of all modules
And the last one is Gyro
that will give the rotation of the robot to SwerveDrive
so it can calculate the field relative speed.
Subsystems are implemented using the Advantagekit framework, this way we can hot-swap different implementations of a subsystem
Our SwerveDrive subsystem is driven using one command: DriveSwerve
that will send the xSpeed
(Left stick X), ySpeed
(Left Stick Y), and rotSpeed
(Right stick X) to the SwerveDrive
The SwerveModule
subsystem is initialized with a SwerveModuleOptions
instance, in this class we can set the CAN IDs for all the motor controllers, absolute encoders (CANcoders) and set the name of the module
has 7 variables:
CTRECANDevice the CAN ID and CAN bus for the CANcoder absolute encoderdriveMotorID
int the CAN ID of the drive motorturningMotorID
int the CAN ID of the turn motorname
String the name of the module ex: 'front left'
We use the NEO-integrated encoders for turning the wheel, the turning motor encoder is set to the absolute encoder's value on intialization since the NEO-integrated encoder is relative, not absolute
On initialization (line 46) we set all the variables and reset the encoders.
will optimize the state and set the speed and angle of the module. the angle is set using a LazySparkPID
, a class we made for optimizing CAN bus utilization by not updating duplicate values
We optimize so the wheel takes the shortest path possible to the desired angle
0 degrees with speed of 1 is equal to 180 degrees with speed of -1
is initialized with the 4 SwerveModules
, and the Gyro
First we reset the gyroscope so the robot has the correct field relative heading using:
// Reset gyroscope
The zeroHeading()
function just resets the gyro using:
will return the corresponding ChassisSpeeds
if it is driving robot relative or not. We know this with the boolean drivingRobotRelative
To get the module states from ChassisSpeeds
we use
SwerveModuleState[] m_moduleStates = Constants.SwerveDrive.PhysicalModel.kDriveKinematics.toSwerveModuleStates(speeds);
For this we need SwerveDriveKinematics
initialized in Constants
sets the module states using a SwerveModuleState
sets the module states from chassis speeds
For Driving we don't directly use drive()
we use driveFieldRelative()
or driveRobotRelative()
depending how we need to drive, these functions also work by running them with three doubles instead of the chassis speeds.
uses drive()
directly but sets the boolean drivingRobotRelative
to true
uses drive()
but passes field relative speeds using WPI:
ChassisSpeeds.fromFieldRelativeSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rotSpeed, getHeading())
and also sets drivingRobotRelative
to false.
sets all the module speeds to 0
sets the wheels on an 'x' for a much harder to move position.
For the gyro we use an AdvantageKit IO Layer we do this to make the gyro device changable in just one line of code, you have the subsystem that you use in code
and the interface
and the actual Devices are GyroIOPigeon
for pigeon and GyroIONavX
for the NavX. To instantiate a gyro you use:
new Gyro(new GyroIOPigeon(kGyroDevice)); // pigeon
new Gyro(new GyroIONavx()) // NavX
is the command used to drive. You pass you controller inputs as a Suplier
this command only applies deadzone
x = Math.abs(x) < Constants.SwerveDrive.kJoystickDeadband ? 0 : x;
y = Math.abs(y) < Constants.SwerveDrive.kJoystickDeadband ? 0 : y;
rot = Math.abs(rot) < Constants.SwerveDrive.kJoystickDeadband ? 0 : rot;
applies the SlewRateLimiter
x = xLimiter.calculate(x);
y = yLimiter.calculate(y);
rot = rotLimiter.calculate(rot);
Scales it up to the robot speeds (controller is -1 to 1 robot is 5m/s max) so x speed of 1 in the controller is robot speed of 5 m/s
x *=;
y *=;
rot *=;
and drives in either robot relative or field relative mode depending on an input in the controller
if (this.fieldRelative.get()) {
swerveDrive.driveFieldRelative(x, y, rot);
} else {
swerveDrive.driveRobotRelative(x, y, rot);
In Java, a Constants
class is often used to store and organize various constant values that are used throughout the project. These are initialized as final.
The Logging
class just contains a boolean that will activate debug logging
Odometry is the most important part of the SwerveDrive for autonomous driving.
Swerve Drive Odometry uses the distance traveled and angle of each swerve module to determine the robot position on the field. It does this by calculating the forward kinematics of the chassis using the previously defined SwerveDriveKinematics:
public static final SwerveDriveKinematics kDriveKinematics = new SwerveDriveKinematics(SwerveChassis.sizeToModulePositions(,;
Module positions are determined by the function SwerveChassis.sizeToModulePositions
which we wrote as part of our library, it uses WPILib's coordinate system along with the robot's width and length and returns 4 Transform2d
s in the order: FL, FR, BL, BR
WPILib coordinate system for kinematics
The SwerveDriveOdometry
is updated as such periodically
this.odometry.update(getHeading(), getModulePositions());
the getHeading()
method returns a Rotation2d with the current robot yaw
the getModulePositions()
returns an array of SwerveModulePosition
with the position of each moduule in the same order passed to the SwerveDriveKinematics
(We later transitioned to a SwerveDrivePoseEstimator
which gives us a more accurate robot pose using vision with AprilTags)
We use PathPlanner for autonomous paths, it is used as described in the PathPlannerLib docs: