#HellDivers Macro Project
By: Blu3spirits & Crushfield
Files Included in this Project:
- HellDiversScript.ahk (master)
- HD_ExampleScript.ahk (user example)
####Release Notes: Entering Phase 2 of development (Testing & Debugging) v0.9.1 beta release (stable)
- Added core game strategems
- Added DLC stratagems
- Sleep times amended
- Hotkeys enabled on active (game) window only
NOTICE: This script has AutoHotKey Software dependencies, SEE BELOW. Also, you may have to run the script as admin
#####Installations & Usage
In order to use this script, you will need to download AHK - https://autohotkey.com/download/
We also recommend downloading Notepad++ for editing the script - https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v6.8.8.html
Editing the script will include assigning which key presses you will be using and which strategem hot keys you want active
To edit the script - Right click the 'HellDiversScript.ahk' file, then click edit with Notepad++
Further instructions are within the 'HellDiversScript.ahk' script