Bounty dApp - Simple implementation of Bounty System in Blockchain
This dApp would help you to run a smart contract which allows anyone to create a bounty, and any valid hunter to submit a solution. If the Bounty creator gets a valid solution, he will accept it. He even has the option to reject a solution, along with a comment for the hunter to know what he can do, or how to improve. Then the bounty hunter can link his previous solution, if he wants, along with submitting a updated solution.
If there comes a situation, where there is a dispute, it could be solved by the resolvers, which would be added by the contract owner at any time. The decision of resolvers would be final. A bounty creator can also close his bounty, after deadline passes, if he doesn't get any valid result. A bounty creator who closed the bounty, or a bounty hunter who won a bounty can withdraw their winning as well.
- addResolver : This function helps to add a new resolver. Takes the address of the resolver and adds it to the resolver array.
- updateResolver : This function helps to update a resolver status. Takes the address of the resolver and updates it's status along with majority and noOfResolvers.
- createBountyID : This function helps to create a unique bounty ID. Takes no inputs and returns unique bountyID recently created.
- createBounty : This function helps to create a bounty. Takes the necessary inputs and returns the bountyID recently created.
- deposit : This function helps to deposit money into the contract. Only people with enough balance will be able to create bounty.
- addressToBountyListLength : This function helps to get the length of the Bounty submitted by a single user. Takes no inputs and returns length of Bounty Queue.
- bountyToSolutionListLength : This function helps to get the length of the Solutions submitted to a single bounty. Takes the bounty ID as input and returns length of Solutions submitted.
- createSolutionID : This function helps to create a unique solution ID. Takes no inputs and returns unique solutionID recently created.
- addSolution : This function helps to create a solution. Takes the necessary inputs and returns the solutionID recently created.
- addressToSolutionListLength : This function helps to get the length of the Solution submitted by a single user. Takes no inputs and returns length of Solution Queue.
- acceptSolution : This function helps to accept a solution for a bounty. Takes the necessary inputs and updates the state of a bounty.
- rejectSolution : This function helps to reject a solution for a bounty. Takes the necessary inputs and updates the state of a solution.
- disputeQueueLength : This function helps to get the length of the Dispute Queue. Takes no inputs and returns length of Dispute Queue.
- raiseDispute : This function helps to raise a dispute for a solution which was rejected. Takes the necessary inputs and starts a dispute process for a solution.
- solveDispute : This function helps to check a dispute on solution raised by a hunter which was rejected. For the dispute to be solved a majority is formed from approved resolvers.
- closeBounty : This function helps to close a bounty without accepting any solution. Could be called by bounty maker to close it without a solution or internal call from acceptSolution function.
- withdraw : This function helps to withdraw money from the contract. Only people with balance not tied to any bounty will be able to withdraw.
Bounty Owner can :
- Add new resolvers
- Update resolver status
- Pause Contract
- Resume Contract
- Stop Contract
- Change Owner
Bounty Creator can :
- Create new bounty (Along with depositing)
- Accept solution
- Reject solution
- Close bounty
- Withdraw
Bounty Hunter can :
- Create new solution
- Create linked solution
- Raise Dispute
- Withdraw
Bounty Resolver can :
- Solve dispute
- Currently there is a limitation of upto 10 resolvers
- Bounty creator can close bounty even when there are solutions which was not rejected.
- A dynamic system of assigning random 3 or 5 resolvers from the list of resolvers to solve a dispute
- A hunter cannot dispute, if another person has already disputed.
- A solution cannot be added, if the bounty is disputed.
- More detailed solution structure for submitting answers. Maybe, provide file with IPFS, etc.
- Create a separate storage contract.
Create a new folder
Copy the Git Clone URL from GitHub:
git clone
Clone the Repository
In a command line, inside the Bounty-dApp folder write
npm i
ornpm install
Copy the .dotenv file and paste it in the Bounty-dApp file as .env (Edit the values only if deemed necessary)
Now run 'ganache-cli' and copy the address and private key part for later use.
In a separate tab, run
truffle compile
in the command line -
In a command line, run
truffle migrate --reset
Now run 'npm start' to start the server. Open the link specified in the browser.
In the same browser, using Metamask, add your network with Port 8545.
Also, add atleast the first 7 accounts to the MetaMask (1st Owner, 2nd - 4th Resolvers, 5th Bounty Creator and 6th - 7th Bounty Hunter)
(Optional) If you want, you can run
truffle test
to see if it passes all tests or not (One test is time depended for 30 seconds by default, it is not stuck)
Important: Add the resolvers before you want to solve disputes (solveDispute Function call).
Please follow the step 1 - 5 of How to Run the Project.
Now start the test using:
npm test
Note: You can also use truffle test
to test the smart contract, if you already have ganache-cli
or Ganache GUI running in the background for testing in local network.
Deployed Contract address for Rinkeby and Ropsten can be found in deployed_addresses.txt file in this repository.
Function: acceptSolution
Basic Working
✓ Should accept a solution for a bounty correctly (206ms)
Input Cases
✓ Without solution ID
Edge Cases
✓ Should only accept solution by the Creator (53ms)
✓ Should only accept solution once (93ms)
✓ Should only accept solution if the bounty is Open (115ms)
Event Cases
✓ Should correctly emit the proper event: BountyClosedWithWinner (60ms)
Function: addResolver
Basic Working
✓ Should add a new Resolver correctly (82ms)
✓ Should update the number of Resolvers correctly (122ms)
✓ Should update the majority correctly (190ms)
Input Cases
✓ Without Resolver Address
Edge Cases
✓ Should only add Resolver, if not already added Part 1 (138ms)
✓ Should only add Resolver, if not already added Part 2 (142ms)
Event Cases
✓ Should correctly emit the proper event: ResolverAdded (45ms)
Function: addSolution
Basic Working
✓ Should create a new bounty correctly (101ms)
Input Cases
Should not work if all three inputs are not given
✓ Without bounty ID
✓ Without Linked Solution
✓ Without Solution
✓ Without bounty ID & Linked Solution
✓ Without bounty ID & Solution
✓ Without Linked Solution and Solution
✓ Without any Parameter
Edge Cases
✓ Should only add solution if bounty status is Open (98ms)
✓ Solution should not be submittable if deadline has passed. (30137ms)
✓ If linked solution specified is zero, then it should save its own solution ID as Linked Solution (128ms)
✓ If linked solution is specified, then it should save its without using own Solution ID (92ms)
✓ Solution List in bounties should contain the solution ID (190ms)
✓ Address to Solution List in contract should contain the solution ID (237ms)
Event Cases
✓ Should correctly emit the proper event: SolutionCreated (53ms)
Function: closeBounty
Basic Working
✓ Should close a bounty correctly (119ms)
Input Cases
✓ Without Bounty ID
Edge Cases
✓ closeBounty function can be called by Bounty Creator only (42ms)
✓ Only Open bounty can be closed (51ms)
✓ Cannot close bounty whose deadline has not passed yet (61ms)
Event Cases
✓ Should correctly emit the proper event: DisputeSolved (52ms)
Function: createBounty
Basic Working
✓ Should create a new bounty correctly (63ms)
Input Cases
Should not work if all three inputs are not given
✓ Without amount
✓ Without deadline
✓ Without desciption
✓ Without amount & deadline
✓ Without amount & description
✓ Without deadline & description
✓ Without any parameters
Edge Cases
✓ Should not create bounty of amount, if user balance < amount (46ms)
✓ Should not create bounty where deadline is already passed (60ms)
Event Cases
✓ Should correctly emit the proper event: BountyCreated (56ms)
Function: createBountyID
Basic Working
✓ Should increment the bountyID correctly (83ms)
Function: createSolutionID
Basic Working
✓ Should increment the solutionID correctly (147ms)
Function: deposit
Basic Working
✓ Should update the balance correctly during bounty creation (83ms)
✓ Should add the balance correctly during bounty creation (74ms)
Event Cases
✓ Should correctly emit the proper event: Deposit (52ms)
Function: raiseDispute
Basic Working
✓ Should raise a dispute for a solution submitted to a bounty correctly (157ms)
Input Cases
✓ Without solution ID
Edge Cases
✓ Dispute can be raised by the Hunter only (46ms)
✓ Could only dispute the solution once (93ms)
✓ Could only dispute to Bounty which has not accepted a solution (125ms)
✓ Could only dispute the bounty by one solution at a time (111ms)
Event Cases
✓ Should correctly emit the proper event: BountyClosedWithWinner (84ms)
Function: rejectSolution
Basic Working
✓ Should reject a solution for a bounty correctly (182ms)
Input Cases
✓ Without solution ID
✓ Without comment
✓ Without any parameters
Edge Cases
✓ Solution can be rejected by the Creator only (110ms)
✓ Should only reject solution once (160ms)
✓ Should only reject solution if the solution is in Pending State (163ms)
Event Cases
✓ Should correctly emit the proper event: BountyClosedWithWinner (97ms)
Function: solveDispute
Basic Working
✓ Should solve a dispute for a solution submitted to a bounty correctly in favor (269ms)
✓ Should solve a dispute for a solution submitted to a bounty correctly in against (317ms)
Input Cases
✓ Without Dispute Index
✓ Without Vote
✓ Without any parameter
Edge Cases
✓ solveDispute function can be called by Valid Resolvers only (58ms)
✓ Resolver could only vote for dispute once (132ms)
✓ Could only vote either yes or no (71ms)
✓ Once majority is voted in favor, no need to vote again by remaining Resolvers (215ms)
Event Cases
✓ Should correctly emit the proper event: BountyClosedWithWinner (148ms)
✓ Should correctly emit the proper event: DisputeSolved (144ms)
✓ Should correctly emit the proper event: DisputeSolved (198ms)
Function: updateResolver
Basic Working
✓ Should update Resolver correctly (99ms)
✓ Should update the number of Resolvers correctly (72ms)
✓ Should update the majority correctly (90ms)
Input Cases
✓ Without Resolver Address
✓ Without Resolver Status
✓ Without any parameter
Edge Cases
✓ Should only update Resolver who was already added (62ms)
Event Cases
✓ Should correctly emit the proper event: ResolverUpdated (59ms)
Function: withdraw
Basic Working
✓ Should withdraw a winning amount correctly (60ms)
✓ Should withdraw a closed bounty amount correctly (60ms)
Input Cases
✓ Should only work if amount is given
Edge Cases
✓ Should only work if amount > 0 (51ms)
✓ Should only work if balance > amount (68ms)
Event Cases
✓ Should correctly emit the proper event: Withdrawed (42ms)
Basic Working
✓ Only admin should be able to call addResolver (47ms)
✓ Only admin should be able to call updateResolver (56ms)
✓ Should update the owner correctly (58ms)
Input Cases
✓ Without new Owner
✓ New Owner as zero address (49ms)
Event Cases
✓ Should correctly emit the proper event: LogOwnerChanged
Basic Working
✓ Should update the pause/stop status correctly (261ms)
✓ Paused contract function addResolver should not be able to run (100ms)
✓ Closed contract function addResolver should not be able to run (154ms)
✓ Paused contract function updateResolver should not be able to run (115ms)
✓ Closed contract function updateResolver should not be able to run (139ms)
✓ Paused contract function createBounty should not be able to run (105ms)
✓ Closed contract function createBounty should not be able to run (151ms)
✓ Paused contract function addSolution should not be able to run (115ms)
✓ Closed contract function addSolution should not be able to run (186ms)
✓ Paused contract function acceptSolution should not be able to run (164ms)
✓ Closed contract function acceptSolution should not be able to run (139ms)
✓ Paused contract function rejectSolution should not be able to run (97ms)
✓ Closed contract function rejectSolution should not be able to run (147ms)
✓ Paused contract function raiseDispute should not be able to run (90ms)
✓ Closed contract function raiseDispute should not be able to run (151ms)
✓ Paused contract function solveDispute should not be able to run (113ms)
✓ Closed contract function solveDispute should not be able to run (143ms)
✓ Paused contract function closeBounty should not be able to run (108ms)
✓ Closed contract function closeBounty should not be able to run (136ms)
✓ Paused contract function withdraw should not be able to run (101ms)
✓ Closed contract function withdraw should not be able to run (151ms)
Event Cases
✓ Should correctly emit the proper event: LogPausedContract (51ms)
✓ Should correctly emit the proper event: LogResumedContract (86ms)
✓ Should correctly emit the proper event: LogStoppedContract (84ms)
- This is a prototype, please don't use it unless you know what you are doing.
- A lot can be improved in this. Feedbacks are welcome.
- Don't forget to unlock ether wallet accounts when required.