This is the Authentication Microservice, responsible for managing user authentication and access to various features such as adding items to the cart, removing items from the cart, and updating the cart. It provides a RESTful API to handle user registration, login, token verification, and event publishing. Features
User registration
User login
Token verification
Publish Add to Cart event
Publish Remove from Cart event
Publish Update Cart event
Java 11+
Spring Boot
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory
To start the Authentication Microservice using Docker, run the following command:
docker-compose up
This will start the microservice and any required infrastructure, such as a database, in separate containers. The API will be accessible on http://localhost:8089.
POST /user/create: Create a new user
POST /user/login: Authenticate a user and generate an access token
POST /user/add-to-cart: Publish an Add to Cart event
POST /user/remove-from-cart: Publish a Remove from Cart event
POST /user/update-cart: Publish an Update Cart event