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Forked from Pokemon-Terminal.

This app is for changing the background of a compatible terminal to something The Legend of Dragoon themed. Type dragoon dragoon-lavitz to set an image of Lavitz as the background (pending cleaner names with new images), or see below for the full list of commands.

At the moment, all of the images are just concept art and assets ripped from the game. In the future the images will be clean personalized images inspired by the original Pokemon-Terminal, and all else thrown into Extras.

Looking for an artist! I envision just wings against a backdrop similar to Pokemon-Terminal. Contact me if you want the starter PSD for the included wallpapers. I would love to compensate if I could, pending future.

All credit due to LazoCoder and his contributors for original code and idea, and The Legend of Dragoon, Sony Entertainment for the game assets and concept art.

To do:

  • Create new, consistent backgrounds/wallpapers. Current ones are rough/outright terrible.
  • Change "region" to "category" in all places.
  • Update brightness values.
  • Finish updating this README.
  • Help Pokemon-Terminal project with bug fixes and new features? In favor of replacing flat file, don't know Python...


Build Status


  • Images including logos, dragoon spirits, characters and locations
  • Select image by name, category, tag or index number/file name
  • Ability to change the Desktop Wallpaper & the Terminal background
  • Supports iTerm2, Terminology & Tilix terminal emulators
  • Supports MacOS, GNOME, and i3wm (with feh) for desktops


Install Python 3.6 or higher:

  • For Mac
  • For Ubuntu
  • For Arch Linux
  • Not all compatible distros are named here, but a quick Google search should give you instructions for your distribution of choice.

Get a compatible terminal emulator:

You can then proceed with one of the following methods for installation:


  • Your distro might include pip in a different package then Python, make sure to have that installed and running when calling pip3.6 if you want to install using it.
  • npm installation obviously requires to have Node.js installed.

pip (System-wide)

Run sudo pip3.6 install git+ When the command completes, it's installed and ready to go!

pip (Per-User)

You can install it with pip for a single user with pip3.6 install --user git+ You might want to add ~/.local/bin to your PATH to be able to call dragoon everywhere.

npm (Per-User)

You can install in any (npm-supported) OS using npm install --global dragoon-terminal. That's it, you're done!

Distutils (System-wide)

You can clone or download this repo, and run sudo python3.6 install at the root of the repo.


usage: dragoon [-h] [-n NAME]
               [-r [{logo,spirit,character,location} [{logo,spirit,character,location} ...]]]
               [-l [0.xx]] [-d [0.xx]]
               [-t [{dart,lavitz,shana,rose,haschel,albert,meru,kongol,miranda,lloyd,character,dragoon,logo,spirit,moon} [{dart,lavitz,shana,rose,haschel,albert,meru,kongol,miranda,lloyd,character,dragoon,logo,spirit,moon} ...]]]
               [-ne] [-e] [-ss [X]] [-w] [-v] [-dr] [-c]
Set a character, location or other thing from The Legend of Dragoon to the current terminal background or wallpaper.

positional arguments:
  id                    Specify the wanted image ID or the exact (case
                        insensitive) name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c, --clear           Clears the current image from terminal background
                        and quits.

  Arguments used to filter the list of images with various conditions that
  then will be picked

  -n NAME, --name NAME  Filter by images which name contains NAME
  -r [{logo,spirit,character,location} [{logo,spirit,character,location} ...]], --region [{logo,spirit,character,location} [{logo,spirit,character,location} ...]]
                        Filter the images by category
  -l [0.xx], --light [0.xx]
                        Filter out the images darker (lightness threshold
                        lower) then 0.xx (default is 0.7)
  -d [0.xx], --dark [0.xx]
                        Filter out the images lighter (lightness threshold
                        higher) then 0.xx (default is 0.42)
  -t [{dart,lavitz,shana,rose,haschel,albert,meru,kongol,miranda,lloyd,character,dragoon,logo,spirit,moon} [{dart,lavitz,shana,rose,haschel,albert,meru,kongol,miranda,lloyd,character,dragoon,logo,spirit,moon} ...]], --type [{dart,lavitz,shana,rose,haschel,albert,meru,kongol,miranda,lloyd,character,dragoon,logo,spirit,moondart,lavitz,shana,rose,haschel,albert,meru,kongol,miranda,lloyd,character,dragoon,logo,spirit,moon} [{dart,lavitz,shana,rose,haschel,albert,meru,kongol,miranda,lloyd,character,dragoon,logo,spirit,moon} ...]]
                        Filter the images by type.
  -ne, --no-extras      Excludes extra images (from the extras folder)
  -e, --extras          Excludes all non-extra images

  -ss [X], --slideshow [X]
                        Instead of simply choosing a random image from the
                        filtered list, starts a slideshow (with X minutes of
                        delay between image) in the background with the
                        image that matched the filters
  -w, --wallpaper       Changes the desktop wallpaper instead of the terminal
  -v, --verbose         Enables verbose output
  -dr, --dry-run        Implies -v and doesn't actually changes either
                        wallpaper or background after the image has been

Not setting any filters will get a completely random image

Example (from Pokemon-Terminal):

Tips, tricks and common issues

iTerm2 settings

I (LazoCoder) highly suggest making the font colors black and the terminal window transparent. Some of the images have both light and dark colours and so it can be difficult to see the text sometimes. Transparency resolves this issue. Since Dragoon-Terminal only changes the background, the transparency must be done manually:

  1. Navigate to iTerm2 > Preferences > Profiles > Window
  2. Set the transparency to about half way.
  3. Hit the "blur" checkbox.
  4. Set the blur to maximum.
  5. Optionally you can set the blending to maximum to adjust the colors to look like the samples provided.

The result should look like this:

Adding Custom Images

The folder dragoonterminal/Images/Extra is for adding custom images. You can manually add backgrounds to this folder and they will be visible to the program. Only JPG format is supported. To see a list of all the custom backgrounds type:

$ dragoon -e -dr

Alternatively, you can delete images from this folder and it will not break the program. These are some custom backgrounds:

Solutions for Common Issues

  • If you experience a line at the top of the terminal after changing the Pokemon, you can remove it by typing in the clear command or opening a new terminal.

  • If you are using Tilix and the terminal background is not changing, try adjusting the transparency in your profile settings.

  • If you are experiencing issues with Terminology and are running on Ubuntu, make sure that you have installed the latest version:

    $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:niko2040/e19
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt install terminology
  • If you get the error 39:46: syntax error: Expected end of line but found identifier. (-2741): Locate the file in dragoonterminal/terminal/adapters and on line 9, change iTerm to iTerm2. If you still experience the error, try changing it to iTerm 2.



I have not yet implemented a way to save the terminal background to a profile. To save a background you will need to setup a startup command in the profile.

  1. Navigate to iTerm2 > Preferences > General
  2. Locate the field where it says Send text at start under Command.
  3. In that field type dragoon -n [dragoon name]. You can see an example in the image down below.
    • Alternatively you can also type dragoon for a random theme each time you open up a new terminal.
  4. You can leave out ; clear if you don't care about the line showing up at the top of the terminal.


Terminology already saves it automatically, just untick "temporary" in the settings after setting your desired image:

To show a random image each session:

  1. Open ~/.bashrc in your favorite text editor.
  2. Add the following lines to it:
    if [[ "$TERMINOLOGY" -eq "1" ]]; then

That will simply pick a completely random image each session, but the dragoon line is simply calling the app, so you can still filter with regions, darkness, and etc. like you normally would, or you can also reset to a preset image every time you start.

Notes & Credits (for Dragoon-Terminal)

  • Sony Entertainment/The Legend of Dragoon team for the game, and its assets and concept art.
  • LazoCoder and contributors of Pokemon-Terminal.
  • DrewUniverse and the Legend of Dragoon community (find on reddit and discord).
  • Every fan that cherishes this game and contributes to its memory.

Notes & Credits (for Pokemon-Terminal)

  • Nearly all of the Pokemon backgrounds were created by Teej.
  • Originally the images were about 100mb in total but ImageOptim was used to compress them down to about 17mb.
  • Since the images are compressed, some of them may have some mild (but negligible) compression artifacts.
  • Thanks to @DrMartinLutherXing for some bug fixes.
  • Thanks to @joanbono for the easy installation script in the readme.
  • Thanks to @BnMcG for the region specific randomize function.
  • Thanks to @samosaara for the Linux (GNOME and Terminology) port.
  • Thanks to @sylveon for maintaining the AUR package.
  • Thanks to @therealklanni for adding the project to npm.
  • Thanks to @MattMattV for adding Tilix support.
  • Thanks to @connordinho for enhancing the slideshow functionality.
  • Thanks to @cclauss for simplifying the code in the database class and the main class.
  • Thanks to @Fiskie for implementing the adapter design pattern, piping commands and more.
  • Thanks to @marcobiedermann for better image compression.
  • Thanks to @kamil157 and @dosman711 for the randomized slideshow function.
  • Thanks to @Squirrels for adding Pokemon from the Unova and Kalos regions.
  • Thanks to @caedus75 for pip and reorganizing the files & folders.