The scaffold is a generator based on Yeoman. It is designed to simplify and unify initial solution setup. It can save you time on configuration on early stages of the project.
- 9.0 Update 1
- 9.0 Update 2
- 9.1 Update 0
- 9.1 Update 1
- Generate a repository with a standard file structure.
- .NET and JS projects
- CAKE-build scripts
- vagrant scripts for development VM setup
Generated solution is fully compliant with Sitecore Helix Guidelines
As Sitecore is pretty heavy system you should have around i5+ with 4+ logical cores, 16GB RAM 50GB. VMs contains full operating system so they might be pretty heavy to start and require up to 50GB of free space on HDD
- Administrator rights to the system
Node.js v8.9.3
and higher (download)VirtualBox 5.2.4
and higher (download)Vagrant 2.0.4
and higher (download)- Visual Studio 2017
- There are two possible ways to get generator:
- []
npm i generator-sitecore-engx-scaffold
- [Manual]
- Clone repository or update to current version, if you have it already.
- In repository root following run Powershell (as Administrator) command
npm link
- []
- Navigate to a location where you usually store your projects. Create a directory with a customer name (by default folder name would be used as a solution name. Do not include spaces or any special characters in it)
- Inside the folder run following PS command (again as Administrator) and follow instructions of the generator.
npm i yo -g
npm i generator-sitecore-engx-scaffold -g
yo sitecore-engx-scaffold
- Follow the generator instructions.
Once the solution is generated, run following command in the repository root and follow instructions of the generator.:
yo sitecore-engx-scaffold:module
While you do not want to do this in the middle of the project, it is possible to run generation once again. Yeoman will detect conflicts and provide you with options to discard or override changes.
If you had some issues during installation, you have ideas or feedback, please, post them to GitHub issues section of this project