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Partio-ohjelmasovellus frontend

1. Project purpose


2. Architecture

This frontend application is deployed to an Azure App Service.

3. Development environment

3.1. Prerequisites, and what to do first

Environmental variables

You'll find the proper file for local development from LastPass.

3.2. Run tests

Make sure you have installed all dependencies with yarn and then run yarn test.

Press a in the test window.

3.3. Start the application locally

3.3.1 HTTP

Required commands:

  • Install dependencies with yarn or yarn install
  • To start the dev environment in http mode run yarn start.

NOTE: Login will not work on all modern browsers in http mode because authentication requires a secure 3rd party cookie to function.

3.3.2 HTTPS

NOTE: Https will only work if the backend is set up with https as well.
NOTE: You will need to generate certificates for the localhost https environment. See the steps below.
NOTE: It's recommended that you set up the backend first.
NOTE: Make sure you have all the https related environment variables set (see .env.example).
NOTE: If, after certificate creation, chrome complains about the certificate not being trusted you can go to the Keychain Access to mark it as always trusted.

To start the app in https mode

  • run yarn dev (requires that you have the certificate in the certs folder)
  • Go to
    • You need to have in your /etc/hosts folder
      • NOTE: you should have this if you've already configured Ngrok for the backend application

To generate the required certificate follow these steps (Mac):
NOTE 1: If you've already created and added the root key and root certificate during the backend https setup you can skip step 1.

  1. First create a folder (e.g. certificates) somewhere on your Mac

    • for example to your Work/Projects folder if you have them or your Desktop/Downloads folder
    • If you created the folder in finder open a terminal and cd to the folder
    • Next run the following commands to create the required files for generating the certificates
      • Create a root key: openssl genrsa -des3 -out rootCA.key 2048
      • Create RootCA.key pass phrase when terminal asks for it and save it somewhere (You're going to need it later)
      • Create a root certificate: openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key rootCA.key -sha256 -days 1024 -out rootCA.pem
        • It's enough to only fill some fields here. E.g. Country as fi and location as Helsinki
    • Next you need to add the created root certificate as trusted in your Keychain Access application
      • Open Keychain Access
      • Select File -> Import items... from the app menu
      • Navigate to the folder where you created the root key and certificate and select the certificate (the .pem file)
      • Select System from the left side menu and then the Certificates tab
      • Double-click the certificate you added and change its Trust setting to Always Trust
  2. Create a separate folder for frontend inside your certificates folder: mkdir frontend

    • Create a server.csr.cnf file inside the frontend folder with the following information

      • [req]
        default_bits = 2048
         prompt = no
        default_md = sha256
        distinguished_name = dn
        CN =
    • Create a v3.ext file inside the frontend folder with the following information

      • authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid,issuer
        keyUsage = digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment
        subjectAltName = @alt_names
        DNS.1 =
    • Run openssl req -new -sha256 -nodes -out server.csr -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout server.key -config <( cat frontend/server.csr.cnf )

    • Run openssl x509 -req -in frontend/server.csr -CA rootCA.pem -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out server.crt -days 500 -sha256 -extfile frontend/v3.ext

    • Now the certificates are ready so all you need to do is move the server.crt and server.key files inside the frontend folder to the frontend project

      • Create a certs folder inside the frontend project
      • Move the server.crt and server.key inside the certs folder
  3. For using localhost https environment, you need to edit ~/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml.

Logging out as user with HTTPS

  • is not set to PartioId as allowed URL, so logging out as one user and signing in as another user doesn't always work and it just keeps logging in as the previous user. Workaround is to logout with curl.
  • Open the network tab and click the logout button. Right click the failed logout url and copy as cURL. Paste the outcome to some editor and find all the matches and change them as localhost:3000. Make sure to change the https to http as well
  • Run the command and you should be logged out now.

PWA capabilities

You can test the service worker only in production mode. In order to test it, run yarn build, followed by e.g. yarn global add serve and serve -s build.

3.4. Version control

When working on a new feature or fixing a bug always create a new branch from the master branch. When the feature or fix is complete create a pull request (from now on PR) for the branch. There should always be at least one or two reviewers for the PR and once the PR has been approved it can be merged to master.

4. Test environment

4.1. Access

TODO The test environment is running here.

4.2. Deployment

Anything pushed to the master branch is automatically deployed to the test environment

4.3. Verifying that a deployment was successful

Make sure the GitHub action successfully completes and test environment is accessible and these things works:

  • TODO

4.3.1. Automated test cases

Tests are automatically run during the GitHub workflow when things are pushed to the master branch.

4.3.2. Manual test cases


4.4. Rollback

As everything from the master branch is deployed to the test environment the only way to change what is deployed is to push new changes or reverting old commits.

4.5. Logs


4.6. Monitoring


5. Production environment

5.1. Access

The production app can be found here and here:

5.2. Deployment

Create a release in GitHub. Fill out tag version and title and then publish the release.

5.3. Verifying that a deployment was successful

Make sure the GitHub action successfully completes and production environment is accessible and these things works:

  • TODO

5.3.1. Automated test cases

Tests are automatically run in the Github action flow.

5.3.2. Manual test cases


5.4. Rollback

Fix the release

5.5. Logs


5.6. Monitoring


6. Continuous integration

Github Actions is used for CI.

7. More useful information

Useful links and information:


Frontti partio-ohjelma -sovellukselle






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  • JavaScript 98.8%
  • HTML 1.2%