- min SDK 16 (Jelly Bean 4.1)
- written in Java
To download the demo app for this library from Google Playstore so you can see it in action, click here
Add this into your root build.gradle file:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Add the dependency to your module build.gradle:
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.Binary-Finery:FabToast:1.0'
FabToast has 4 different types:
And can be displayed in 3 different positions on-screen:
- DEFAULT (bottom)
To display a FabToast is extremely simple, and achieved in a single line of code. For example, to display a SUCCESS FabToast at the default position (bottom):
FabToast.makeText(context, "I'm a Fab toast", FabToast.LENGTH_LONG, FabToast.SUCCESS, FabToast.POSITION_DEFAULT).show();
to display a WARNING FabToast in the center of the screen:
FabToast.makeText(context, "I'm a Fab toast", FabToast.LENGTH_LONG, FabToast.WARNING, FabToast.POSITION_CENTER).show();
to display an ERROR FabToast at the top of the screen:
FabToast.makeText(context, "I'm a Fab toast", FabToast.LENGTH_LONG, FabToast.ERROR, FabToast.POSITION_TOP).show();
to display an INFORMATION FabToast at the default position:
FabToast.makeText(context, "I'm a Fab toast", FabToast.LENGTH_LONG, FabToast.INFORMATION, FabToast.POSITION_DEFAULT).show();