MinIO Client SDK provides higher level APIs for MinIO and Amazon S3 compatible cloud storage services.For a complete list of APIs and examples, please take a look at the Dotnet Client API Reference.This document assumes that you have a working VisualStudio development environment.
- .NET 4.5.2, .NetStandard 2.0 or higher
- Visual Studio 2017
To install MinIO .NET package, run the following command in Nuget Package Manager Console.
PM> Install-Package Minio
To connect to an Amazon S3 compatible cloud storage service, you will need to specify the following parameters.
Parameter | Description |
endpoint | URL to object storage service. |
accessKey | Access key is the user ID that uniquely identifies your account. |
secretKey | Secret key is the password to your account. |
secure | Enable/Disable HTTPS support. |
The following examples uses a freely hosted public MinIO service '' for development purposes.
using Minio;
// Initialize the client with access credentials.
private static MinioClient minio = new MinioClient("",
// Create an async task for listing buckets.
var getListBucketsTask = minio.ListBucketsAsync();
// Iterate over the list of buckets.
foreach (Bucket bucket in getListBucketsTask.Result.Buckets)
Console.WriteLine(bucket.Name + " " + bucket.CreationDateDateTime);
This example program connects to an object storage server, creates a bucket and uploads a file to the bucket. To run the following example, click on [Link] and start the project
using System;
using Minio;
using Minio.Exceptions;
using Minio.DataModel;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FileUploader
class FileUpload
static void Main(string[] args)
var endpoint = "";
var accessKey = "Q3AM3UQ867SPQQA43P2F";
var secretKey = "zuf+tfteSlswRu7BJ86wekitnifILbZam1KYY3TG";
var minio = new MinioClient(endpoint, accessKey, secretKey).WithSSL();
catch (Exception ex)
// File uploader task.
private async static Task Run(MinioClient minio)
var bucketName = "mymusic";
var location = "us-east-1";
var objectName = "";
var filePath = "C:\\Users\\username\\Downloads\\golden_oldies.mp3";
var contentType = "application/zip";
// Make a bucket on the server, if not already present.
bool found = await minio.BucketExistsAsync(bucketName);
if (!found)
await minio.MakeBucketAsync(bucketName, location);
// Upload a file to bucket.
await minio.PutObjectAsync(bucketName, objectName, filePath, contentType);
Console.WriteLine("Successfully uploaded " + objectName );
catch (MinioException e)
Console.WriteLine("File Upload Error: {0}", e.Message);
Clone this repository and open the Minio.Sln in Visual Studio 2017.
Enter your credentials and bucket name, object name Minio.Examples/Program.cs Uncomment the example test cases such as below in Program.cs to run an example.
//Cases.MakeBucket.Run(minioClient, bucketName).Wait();
- Run the Minio.Client.Examples project from Visual Studio
NOTE: minio-dotnet requires mono 5.0.1 stable release and .NET Core 2.0 SDK to build on Linux.
- Install .NETCore and Mono for your distro. See sample script to install .NETCore and Mono for Ubuntu Xenial
$ ./
- Clone this project.
$ git clone && cd minio-dotnet
- Enter your credentials and bucket name, object name etc. in Minio.Examples/Program.cs Uncomment the example test cases such as below in Program.cs to run an example.
//Cases.MakeBucket.Run(minioClient, bucketName).Wait();
$ cd Minio.Examples
$ dotnet build -c Release
$ dotnet run
- MakeBucket.cs
- ListBuckets.cs
- BucketExists.cs
- RemoveBucket.cs
- ListObjects.cs
- ListIncompleteUploads.cs
- ListenBucketNotifications.cs