Welcome to the Android Auto and Apple CarPlay Parser. This tool is part of a research paper conducted on the digital forensics of the Android Auto and Apple Carplay applications. The research paper was submitted and accepted for presentation and publication at the 2021 ICDF2C Conference in Singapore. Information linking to the paper will be provided soon.
To use this tool, please follow these steps below:
To setup this tool, it is advised to configure a virtual environment inside the tool directory. To do this, navigate into the tool's main folder and enter the following commands documented below. These commands will setup a virtual environment inside the directory which will allow you to install the dependencies for this tool:
$ python3 -m venv ./virtualenv
To activate or deactivate the environment:
$ ./virtualenv/Scripts/activate
$ deactivate
Once you have setup the virtual environment it is important to install the necessary dependencies for this tool by running the command:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Executing the tool is very simple and straight forward. The tool is setup to use default wordlists in order to provided a tailored report file documenting what we believe to be the most important data for an investigation. However, if you wish to use your own wordlist there is a option to do so. (NOTE: Using your own wordlist will only extract artifacts found. The report won't have a detailed analysis.) The image type that this tool is made for are TAR files. The following options are available:
Usage: Tool.py [options] <inputfile>
Example: Tool.py -a Apple.tar -w wordlist.txt
-h, --help
-a apple image tar
-b android image tar
-w user created wordlist (this isn't required for default tool use)
Upon execution of the tool with the necessary options, the tool will ask for a Case Number and name of Examiner to preserve the chain of custody. Additionally, there is a built in feature to hash the TAR files before and after execution of the tool to ensure that the data has not been tampered.
Once the tool is run, a customized report is generated for either Android Auto or Apple CarPlay. Currently it only supports documentation for the information we deemed important to convey. However, our tool extracts and separates the files defined in the wordlists to a folder named after the case file and image source type (ex: 00001-Apple).