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This is the GitHub repository for the Vestland Climate Grid (VCG) and the associate data paper: Vandvik et al. (in prep). Ten years of plant community response to climate change - data from whole-community turf-transplant experiments across broad-scale temperature and precipitation gradients in Western Norway.



Research sites

Our study is conducted as a replicated distributed experiment across twelve calcareous grassland sites in southern Norway. Careful site selection ensured that these twelve sites vary systematically in a ‘grid’ of three temperature levels crossed with four precipitation levels. Within each site, we measured a range of site-level biotic and abiotic data, and set up three experiments from which we measured a range of environmental and response variables over 12 years.

Climate grid

Experimental designs

Within the VCG, we performed a number of experiments.

  • Climate transplant experiments
  • Graminoid removal experiment
  • Seed rain and seedling recruitment experiments
  • Seed bank study


Location of data and supporting information

Project meta-information, data documentation, data set overview and metadata for each dataset are in the VCG data paper (in prep). Also see below.

The raw and clean data are stored and available on OSF.

All R code for the analyses from the Norwegian project is on GitHub.

Download data

To download the clean data from OSF use the dataDownloader package. This is how to install and load the package.


Here is an example for how to download the biomass data:

The node is a specific code for the VCG OSF repository. The file defines which specific file that needs to be downloaded. The path refers to where the data should be downloaded to in your RStudio project. And finally the remote_path refers to the folder on OSF, where the data is stored.

get_file(node = "npfa9",
         file = "VCG_clean_functional_group_biomass_2010_2013-2015.csv",
         path = "clean_data",
         remote_path = "6_Biomass_data")

For an overview of all available datasets see Table (@ref(tab:data-sets).

Naming conventions

Data or file Description of naming convention
Data files project_experiment_status_response_year.extension; e.g. VCG_clean_biomass_2009-2012.csv
Project VCG
Experiment E.g. Graminoid removal
siteID Unique site nmae; e.g. Ulvehaugen (see full list of sites below)
blockID Unique blockID consisting of first 3 letters of site and block nr; e.g. Ves3
originPlotID Unique origin plotID, numeric value; e.g. 271
destinationPlotID Unique destination plotID, numeric value; e.g. 211
turfID Unique turfID containing originPlotID, transplant treatment and destinationPlotID; e.g. 234 TT3 332
TTtreat Turf transplant treatment including TTC = untouched control, TT1 = local transplant, TT2 warm, TT3 = wet, TT4 warm + wet
species Vascular plant taxon names follow for Norway Lid & Lid(Lid J & Lid, 2010). First three digits of genus and species; e.g. Vio.bif
responses response variable, e.g. cover, biomass, decomposition

Valid siteID

Here is the list of valid siteIDs in VCG.


Below is code to clean the site names. On the left side are the old names (e.g. Gud) that you want to replace (change to what fits your data). And on the right side are valid names, which will replace the old names (don’t change!).

# code to clean site names
dat |> 
  mutate(siteID = recode(siteID, 
         'Gud' = "Gudmedalen",
         'Lad' = "Lavisdalen",
         'Ram' = "Rambera",
         'Ulv' = "Ulvehaugen",
         'Skj' = "Skjelingahaugen",
         'Alr' = "Alrust",
         'Arh' = "Arhelleren",
         'Fau' = "Fauske",
         'Hog' = "Hogsete",
         'Ovs' = "Ovstedalen",
         'Vik' = "Vikesland",
         'Ves' = "Veskre"))


Here is an overview over all the datasets.

All avalble datasets with name, time period of data collection, level at which they were collected and file name on OSF.
Variable Period Level File
1) Seeds
seedbank 2009 block VCG_clean_seedbank.xlsx
seedrain 2010 block VCG_clean_seedrain.csv
recruitment 2009-2012 ?? ???
predation 2018 site VCG_clean_seed_predation_2018.csv
2) Population
demography ?? plot in prep
3) Community
vascular plants 2009-2019 plot
bryophytes 2012-2014 plot in prep
4) Phenology
vascular plants 2014-2015 plot VCG_clean_community_phenology_2014
5) Traits
vascular plants leaf 2012, 2016 site VCG_clean_trait_data_2012-2016.csv
vascular plants floral 2019 site in prep
6) Biomass
allocation 2010 block VCG_clean_biomass_allocation_2009.csv
functional groups 2010, 2013-2015 plot/block VCG_clean_functional_group_biomass_2010_2013-2015.csv
species 2013 block VCG_clean_species_level_biomass_2013.csv
belowground biomass and productivity 2013-2014 block belowground
graminoid removal 2011-2018 plot VCG_clean_graminoid_removal_biomass_2011-2018.csv
7) Ecosystem
decomposition (TBI) 2014-2016 block VCG_clean_decomposition_teabag_2014.csv
decomposition (litter) 2016-2017 block VCG_clean_decomposition_litter_2016.csv
litter CN 2016 litter CN VCG_clean_litter_cn_2016.csv
8) Environment
climate 2009-2022 site several files
soilmoisture 2010, 2015-2018 plot VCG_clean_soilmoisture_plotlevel_2015-2018.csv
soil chemistry 2010 site soil chemistry
soil structure 2019 site VCG_clean_soil_structure_2013_2014_2018.csv

Structure of VCG datasets.

Data dictionaries

1 Seed data



Variable name Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units/treatment level How measured
year Year of sampling numeric 2009 - 2009 2012 defined
siteID Unique site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
replicate Replicate per plot numeric 1 - 5 NA defined
species Three letter genus and spcies name categorical Achillea.millefolium - Viola.tricolor Kna.arv identified
replicate Replicate plot noumber per site numeric 1 - 5 count defined
sampling_scale_cm2 Spatial scale of sampling numeric 4 - 4096 cm2 defined
nr_individual Number of seeds numeric 0 - 5804 NA defined
nr_species Number of species numeric 0 - 52 NA measured
species Genus and species name categorical Achillea.millefolium - Viola.tricolor NA identified
nr_seeds Number of seeds numeric 0 - 4496 count recorded
Variable name Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units/treatment level How measured
year Year of sampling numeric 2009 - 2009 2012 defined
siteID Unique site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
replicate Replicate per plot numeric 1 - 3 NA defined
species Three letter genus and spcies name categorical Achillea.millefolium - Viola.tricolor Kna.arv identified
replicate Replicate plot noumber per site numeric 1 - 3 count defined
sampling_scale_cm2 Spatial scale of sampling numeric 4 - 16384 cm2 defined
nr_species Number of species numeric 0 - 44 NA measured
species Genus and species name categorical Achillea.millefolium - Viola.tricolor NA identified
presence Presence (1) or absence (0) of species numeric 0 - 2 binomial recorded


Variable name Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units/treatment level How measured
year Year of sampling numeric 2010 - 2010 2012 defined
siteID Unique site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
blockID Unique blockID categorical Alr1 - Vik5 NA defined
species Three letter genus and spcies name categorical - Viol.sp Kna.arv identified
nr_seed Counts of seed numeric 0 - 499 count measured
cover Cover of plant species in plot numeric 0 - 75 percentage measured

Seed predation

Variable name Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units/treatment level How measured
year Year of sampling numeric 2018 - 2018 2012 defined
siteID Unique site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
biogeographic_zone Biogeographic zone categorical alpine - sub.alpine boreal, sub.alpine, alpine defined
annual_precipitation_gridded Annual precipitation numeric 0.597 - 3.029 Annual precipitation in m defined
weather Weather during data collection categorical rainy - sun sun, rainy recorded

3 Community data

Plant community

TableID Variable name Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units/treatment level How measured
site siteID Unique site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
site norwegian_name Norwegian species name categorical Ålrust - Vikesland NA literature
site site_code Site ID as a combination of biogeographic zone and precipitation level categorical alp1 - sub4 Alp1 defined
site latitude coordinate of site numeric 60.5445 - 61.0866 decimal degree measured
site longitude coordinate of site numeric 5.96487 - 9.07876 decimal degree measured
site elevation elevation derived from DEM numeric 346 - 1213 meter above sea level measured
site biogeographic_zone Biogeographic zone categorical Low-alpine - Sub-alpine Low-alpine defined
site biogeographic_section Biogeographic section categorical O1 - OC O2 defined
site annual_precipitation_gridded Downscaled annual precipitation numeric 596.348 - 3028.69 mm measured
site temperature_level Numeric value for temperature level numeric 1 - 3 1-3 defined
site summer_temperature_gridded Downscaled summer temperature numeric 5.86638 - 10.7775 degree celcius measured
site precipitation_level Numeric value for precipitation level numeric 1 - 4 1-4 defined
blocks blockID Unique block ID as combination of three letter site code and block number categorical Alr1 - Vik5 Alr1 defined
blocks siteID Unique site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
blocks slope Slope of the block numeric 10 - 10 degree measured
blocks aspect Aspect of the block numeric 10 - 10 degree measured
blocks comment NA categorical NA - NA NA NA
plots plotID Unique numeric plot ID for geographic location of the turf numeric -168 - 30610 1 defined
plots blockID Unique block ID as combination of three letter site code and block number categorical Alr1 - Vik5 Alr1 defined
plots aspect Aspect of the block numeric 0 - 0 degree measured
plots slope Slope of the block numeric 0 - 0 degree measured
turfs turfID Unique ID of vegetation turf as originplotID, treatment and destinationplotID categorical 1 TT2 28 - Vik5RTG 1 TT2 28 defined
turfs TTtreat Treatment of turf transplant categorical TT1 - TTC TT2 defined
turfs RTtreat Treatment of recruit tag categorical
  • RTS

RTC defined
turfs GRtreat Treatment of graminoids removal categorical
  • TTC

RTC defined
turfs originPlotID Origin location of the turf numeric -145 - 30610 1 defined
turfs destinationPlotID Destination location of the turf numeric -168 - 30610 28 defined
taxon species three letter codes for genus and species names categorical - Vis.vul identified
taxon species_name full genus and species names categorical Achillea millefolium - Viscaria vulgaris Achillea millefolium identified
taxon authority taxanomic authority categorical NA - NA NA literature
taxon family Plant family name categorical Apiaceae - Woodsiaceae Asteraceae identified
taxon comment NA categorical New name? - Synonym: Kalmia procumbens NA NA
turf_community turfID Unique ID of vegetation turf as originplotID, treatment and destinationplotID categorical 1 TT2 28 - Vik5RTG 1 TT2 28 defined
turf_community year Year of the sampling numeric 2009 - 2019 2009 defined
turf_community species three letter codes for genus and species names categorical - Vis.vul identified
turf_community cover Percent cover of a species in a turf numeric 0.04 - 100 percentage measured
turf_community cf Uncertain species identification numeric 0 - 0 NA defined
turf_community flag Values flagged for possible error categorical imputed from NID.seedling presence - Subturf w/o cover. Imputed as mean of adjacent years NA NA
subturf_community turfID Unique ID of vegetation turf as originplotID, treatment and destinationplotID categorical 1 TT2 28 - Vik5RTG 1 TT2 28 defined
subturf_community subturf Location of subturf within the turf numeric 1 - 25 1 defined
subturf_community year Year of the sampling numeric 2009 - 2019 2009 defined
subturf_community species three letter codes for genus and species names categorical - Vis.vul identified
subturf_community presence Presence of species categorical
  • VV

0-1 measured
subturf_community seedlings Presence of seedlings where cotyledons are visible numeric 0 - 12 0-1 measured
subturf_community juvenile Presence of juveniles that are not fully grown plants numeric 0 - 12 0-1 measured
subturf_community adult Presence of adults numeric 0 - 1 0-1 measured
subturf_community fertile Presence of fertile numeric 0 - 1 0-1 measured
subturf_community vegetative Presence of vegetative numeric 0 - 1 0-1 measured
subturf_community dominant Species cover more than 50 percent of subturf numeric 0 - 1 0-1 measured
subturf_community cf Uncertain species identification numeric 0 - 1 NA defined
subturf_community flag Values flagged for possible error categorical NA - NA NA NA
turf_environment turfID Unique ID of vegetation turf as originplotID, treatment and destinationplotID categorical 1 TT2 28 - Vik5RTG 1 TT2 28 defined
turf_environment year Year of the sampling numeric 2009 - 2019 2009 defined
turf_environment pleuro Cover of pleurocarp per (sub)turf numeric 0 - 100 percentage measured
turf_environment acro Cover of acrocarp per (sub)turf numeric 0 - 66 percentage measured
turf_environment liver Cover of liverworth per (sub)turf numeric 0 - 34.12 percentage measured
turf_environment lichen Cover of lichen per (sub)turf numeric 0 - 75 percentage measured
turf_environment litter Cover of litter per (sub)turf numeric 0 - 95 percentage measured
turf_environment soil Cover of soil per (sub)turf numeric 0 - 95 percentage measured
turf_environment rock Cover of rock per (sub)turf numeric 0 - 40 percentage measured
turf_environment total_vascular Total percent cover by vascular plants numeric 1 - 100 percent measured
turf_environment total_bryophytes Total percent cover by bryophytes numeric 0 - 100 percent measured
turf_environment total_lichen Total percent cover by lichens numeric 0 - 90 percent measured
turf_environment vegetation_height Average height of the vascular vegetation in the plot numeric 0 - 237.5 cm measured
turf_environment moss_height Average height of the mosses numeric 0 - 75 cm measured
turf_environment comment NA categorical
  • X1c

turf_environment recorder Observer of the vegetation categorical AB - Vigdis/Kari NA defined
turf_environment date Date of observation categorical
  • missing data

yyyy-mm-dd recorded
subturf_environment turfID Unique ID of vegetation turf as originplotID, treatment and destinationplotID categorical 1 TT2 28 - Vik5RTG 1 TT2 28 defined
subturf_environment subturf Location of subturf within the turf numeric 1 - 25 1 defined
subturf_environment year Year of the sampling numeric 2009 - 2019 2009 defined
subturf_environment pleuro Cover of pleurocarp per (sub)turf numeric 0 - 100 percentage measured
subturf_environment acro Cover of acrocarp per (sub)turf numeric 0 - 95 percentage measured
subturf_environment liver Cover of liverworth per (sub)turf numeric 0 - 99 percentage measured
subturf_environment lichen Cover of lichen per (sub)turf numeric 0 - 100 percentage measured
subturf_environment litter Cover of litter per (sub)turf numeric 0 - 100 percentage measured
subturf_environment soil Cover of soil per (sub)turf numeric 0 - 100 percentage measured
subturf_environment rock Cover of rock per (sub)turf numeric 0 - 100 percentage measured
subturf_environment comment NA categorical
  • X

subturf_environment bad Comment on damaged subturfs categorical
  • x
site_attributes siteID Unique site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
site_attributes aspect Aspect of the block numeric 0 - 0 degree measured
site_attributes geology Main bedrock types categorical diorite to granitic gneiss, migmatite - rhyolite, rhyodacite, dacite marble defined
site_attributes land_use Main land-use type categorical free-range grazing, cattle, sheep, reindeer - pasture, sheep free-range grazing cattle sheep reindeer defined
site_attributes slope Slope of the block numeric 0 - 0 degree measured
site_attributes solar_radiation Solar radiation numeric 0.643973 - 0.986367 mw_hour_m-2 measured
site_attributes total_N\_red_oxi Total soil nitrogen reduced and oxidiced numeric 305 - 607 mg_N\_m-2_yr-1 measured
species_attributes species three letter codes for genus and species names numeric - Vis.vul identified
species_attributes boreal_nemoral Species main vegetation zone is boreal to nemoral numeric 0.5 - 1 0.5-1 literature
species_attributes comment NA NA Amfi-atlantisk i flere raser, to (eller flere i Norge) - Viola riviniana data. NA NA
species_attributes flowering_finish End of flowering defined as spring early mid late summer or autumn categorical autumn - spring mid-summer literature
species_attributes flowering_start Start of flowering defined as spring early mid or late summer categorical early summer - spring spring literature
species_attributes flowers_autumn Species with main flowering time in autumn numeric 1 - 1 1 literature
species_attributes flowers_early_summer Species with main flowering time in early summer numeric 1 - 1 1 literature
species_attributes flowers_late_summer Species with main flowering time in late summer numeric 1 - 1 1 literature
species_attributes flowers_mid_summer Species with main flowering time in mid-summer numeric 1 - 1 1 literature
species_attributes flowers_spring Species with main flowering time in spring numeric 1 - 1 1 literature
species_attributes forest Species main habitat type is forest numeric 1 - 1 1 literature
species_attributes functional_group Plant functional group categorical forb - woody forb literature
species_attributes grassland Species main habitat type is grassland numeric 1 - 1 1 literature
species_attributes habitat Habitat the species occurs categorical Forest - Wetland Grassland literature
species_attributes high_alpine Species main vegetation zone is high alpine numeric 0.5 - 1 0.5-1 literature
species_attributes Lids_page Page number of species in Lids Flora numeric 105 - 1106 6 literature
species_attributes lifespan Species lifespan categorical annual - perennial annual literature
species_attributes low_alpine Species main vegetation zone is low alpine numeric 0.5 - 1 0.5-1 literature
species_attributes lower_vegetation_zone Lower vegetation zone numeric (BNem-MBor) NBor - Nem (BNem) Nem literature
species_attributes max_height Maximum species height numeric 5 - 4800 cm literature
species_attributes mid_alpine Species main vegetation zone is mid-alpine numeric 0.5 - 1 0.5-1 literature
species_attributes mid_boreal Species main vegetation zone is mid boreal numeric 0.5 - 1 0.5-1 literature
species_attributes min_height Minimum species height numeric 1 - 300 cm literature
species_attributes Mossberg_page Page number of species in Mossbergs Flora numeric 62 - 862 32 literature
species_attributes nemoral Species main vegetation zone is nemoral numeric 0.5 - 1 0.5-1 literature
species_attributes north_boreal Species main vegetation zone is north boreal numeric 0.5 - 1 0.5-1 literature
species_attributes norwegian_name Norwegian species name categorical \yentr\st sp. - Vier sp. NA literature
species_attributes polyploid_2n Species polyploidy level numeric 1 - 3 1-3 literature
species_attributes rarity Common or scattered species categorical Common - Scattered Common literature
species_attributes rocky Species main habitat type is rocky numeric 1 - 1 1 literature
species_attributes soil_type Species association with base rich soils categorical base-rich - not base-rich base-rich literature
species_attributes south_boreal Species main vegetation zone is south boreal numeric 0.5 - 1 0.5-1 literature
species_attributes upper_vegetation_zone Upper vegetation zone numeric SBor (MBor-NBor) - SBor (MBor) Lalp literature
species_attributes wetland Species main habitat type is wetland numeric 1 - 1 1 literature

4 Phenology data

Plant phenology

Variable name Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units/treatment level How measured
year Year of sampling numeric 2014 - 2015 2012 defined
date Date of sampling date 2014-06-24 - 2015-09-07 yyyy-mm-dd defined
doy Day of the year numeric 147 - 257 125 recorded
week Week number categorical w22 - w37 w26 recorded
siteID_origin Unique origin site ID categorical Alrust - Veskre Alrust defined
blockID_origin Unique origin block ID categorical Alr1 - Ves5 Alr1 defined
turfID Unique turf ID categorical 100 TT4 522 - VP9 TTC 1 TT2 28 defined
blockID_dest Unique destination block ID categorical Gud1 - Ves5 Alr1 defined
siteID_dest Unique destination site ID categorical Gudmedalen - Veskre Alrust defined
TTtreat Turf transplant treatment categorical TT1 - TTC TT1 - TTC defined
treatment The meaning of turf transplant treatment categorical control - wet wet defined
pheno_stage Phenological stage categorical bud - vegetative bud, flower defined
species Three letter genus and spcies name categorical - Vio.riv Kna.arv identified
temperature_level_origin Numeric value for temperature level numeric 1 - 2 1-3 defined
precipitation_level_origin Numeric value for precipitation level numeric 1 - 4 1-4 defined
snowmelt_date Date of snowmelt date 2014-05-15 - 2020-06-23 yyyy-mm-dd recorded
weather Weather during data collection categorical cloudy - sunny sun, rainy recorded
name Data collector categorical Aud - Nicola_Terezie NA recorded
status Species status: from original community or invader categorical invader - original original., invader defined
value Number of reprodoctive units per phenological stage numeric 1 - 421 Numeric value recorded

5 Trait data

Leaf traits

Variable name Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units/treatment level How measured
year Year of sampling numeric 2012 - 2017 2012 defined
date Date of sampling date 2012-06-25 - 2017-12-06 yyyy-mm-dd defined
siteID Unique site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
species Three letter genus and spcies name categorical - Vio.riv Kna.arv identified
trait Trait categorical C - SLA wet_mass_g defined
flag Flagging problematic data categorical Less then 5 individuals - Less then 5 individuals NA recorded
value Trait value numeric -32.12 - 1666 g, cm2, mm, cm, % measured
unit Unit of variable categorical cm2 - unitless g, cm2, mm, cm, % defined

6 Biomass data

Biomass allocation

Variable name Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units/treatment level How measured
year Year of sampling numeric 2009 - 2009 2012 defined
siteID Unique site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
species Three letter genus and spcies name categorical Car.cap - Vio.pal Kna.arv identified
month Month of data collection categorical July - July July recorded
genet Unique genet ID categorical A - W Character value defined
ramet Unique ramet ID categorical 1 - 9b Numeric value defined
mother_shoot Mother shoot ID categorical
    • 9a
Numeric and character defined
biomass_attributes Plant charactersitis for biomass and ratios categorical above_ground - tuber_w\_roots Plant characteristic name defined
value Biomass or biomass ratio numeric -0.0534 - Inf g or unitless measured or caculated
data_type Measured (raw) or sum/ratio (calculated) categorical Calculated - Raw raw, calculated defined
biomass_attributes_old Old name of biomass_attributes linked to Skarpaas et al. 2016. categorical AB - Tuber Plant characteristic name defined

Biomass functional group

Variable name Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units/treatment level How measured
year Year of sampling numeric 2010 - 2015 2012 defined
siteID Unique site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
blockID Unique blockID categorical Alr1 - Vik5 NA defined
plotID Unique plot ID numeric 5 - 20720 Numeric value defined
turfID Unique turf ID categorical 101 TTC - Vik5RTC 1 TT2 28 defined
forb Biomass of forbs numeric 0.46 - 73.7866666666669 g measured
woody Biomass of woody plants numeric 0 - 8.69 g measured
forb_woody Biomass of forbs and woody plants combined. Note that this variable can be the sum of forbs and woody plants. numeric 0 - 73.7866666666669 g measured
carex Biomass of carex species numeric 0.0282 - 4.378734 g measured
poaceae_juncaceae Biomass of poaceae and juncaceae numeric 2.26536666666667 - 20.504334 g measured
graminoid Biomass of all graminoids combined. numeric 1.36 - 65.1058823529413 g measured
bryophyte Biomass of bryophytes numeric 0 - 56.74 g measured
lichen Biomass of lichen numeric 0.0166666666666666 - 11.058834 g measured
litter Biomass of litter numeric 1.91906666666667 - 37.3280666666667 g measured
litter_lichen Biomass of litter and lichen combined numeric 1.16 - 51.34 g measured
sampling_date Sampling date date 2014-08-24 - 2014-09-16 g measured
sampling_date Date of sampling date 2014-08-24 - 2014-09-16 yyyy-mm-dd recorded
sorting_date Sorting date date 2015-01-09 - 2016-02-14 g measured
sorting_date Date of sorting the biomass date 2015-01-09 - 2016-02-14 yyyy-mm-dd recorded

Biomass species level

Variable name Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units/treatment level How measured
year Year of sampling numeric 2013 - 2013 2012 defined
siteID Unique site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
plotID Unique plot ID numeric 1 - 9 Numeric value defined
species Three letter genus and spcies name categorical - Vio.tri Kna.arv identified
value Biomass value per species. numeric 0.002 - 10.0232666666667 g measured

Biomass and productivity belowground

Variable name Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units/treatment level How measured
year Year of sampling numeric 2009 - 2009 2012 defined
siteID Unique site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
species Three letter genus and spcies name categorical Car.cap - Vio.pal Kna.arv identified
month Month of data collection categorical July - July July recorded
genet Unique genet ID categorical A - W Character value defined
ramet Unique ramet ID categorical 1 - 9b Numeric value defined
mother_shoot Mother shoot ID categorical
    • 9a
Numeric and character defined
biomass_attributes Plant charactersitis for biomass and ratios categorical above_ground - tuber_w\_roots Plant characteristic name defined
value Biomass or biomass ratio numeric -0.0534 - Inf g or unitless measured or caculated
data_type Measured (raw) or sum/ratio (calculated) categorical Calculated - Raw raw, calculated defined
biomass_attributes_old Old name of biomass_attributes linked to Skarpaas et al. 2016. categorical AB - Tuber Plant characteristic name defined

Biomass graminoid removal

Variable name Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units/treatment level How measured
year Year of sampling numeric 2016 - 2016 2012 defined
siteID_origin Unique origin site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
siteID_dest Unique destination site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
temperature_level Numeric value for temperature level numeric 1 - 3 1-3 defined
precipitation_level Numeric value for precipitation level numeric 1 - 4 1-4 defined
treatment The meaning of turf transplant treatment categorical control - wet wet defined
burial_date Date of burial date 2016-05-18 - 2016-06-30 yyyy-mm-dd defined
TTtreat Turf transplant treatment categorical TT2 - TTC TT1 - TTC defined
treatment Climate treatment with control, warm, wet and warm\_ wet categorical control - wet control, warm, wet and warm\_ wet defined
bagID Unique BagID numeric 1 - 744 Numeric value defined
weight_loss Weight loss numeric 0.16 - 84.93 g measured
start_weight Weight at the start numeric 0.95 - 1.049 g measured
end_weight Weight at the end numeric 0.153 - 1.026 g measured
time Duration of incubation numeric 28 - 364 days measured
recovery_date Date of recovery date 2016-06-20 - 2017-06-28 yyyy-mm-dd defined
timestep Duration of incubation as factor (1 = x, 2 = x, 3 = x and 4 = x) numeric 1 - 4 NA defined
data_check Flag for data, outliers categorical outlier - outlier? NA defined
litter_collection_date Date of litter collection date 2013-07-18 - 2014-06-26 yyyy-mm-dd defined

7 Ecosystem data

Litter decomposition

Variable name Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units/treatment level How measured
year Year of sampling numeric 2009 - 2009 2012 defined
siteID Unique site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
species Three letter genus and spcies name categorical Car.cap - Vio.pal Kna.arv identified
month Month of data collection categorical July - July July recorded
genet Unique genet ID categorical A - W Character value defined
ramet Unique ramet ID categorical 1 - 9b Numeric value defined
mother_shoot Mother shoot ID categorical
    • 9a
Numeric and character defined
biomass_attributes Plant charactersitis for biomass and ratios categorical above_ground - tuber_w\_roots Plant characteristic name defined
value Biomass or biomass ratio numeric -0.0534 - Inf g or unitless measured or caculated
data_type Measured (raw) or sum/ratio (calculated) categorical Calculated - Raw raw, calculated defined
biomass_attributes_old Old name of biomass_attributes linked to Skarpaas et al. 2016. categorical AB - Tuber Plant characteristic name defined

TBI decomposition

Variable name Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units/treatment level How measured
year Year of sampling numeric 2014 - 2016 2012 defined
siteID Unique site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
temperature_level Numeric value for temperature level numeric 1 - 3 1-3 defined
precipitation_level Numeric value for precipitation level numeric 1 - 4 1-4 defined
burial_date Date of burial NA NA yyyy-mm-dd defined
burial_date Date of burial NA NA yyyy-mm-dd defined
comment Comment categorical broken G - outlier NA NA
bagID Unique BagID numeric 1 - 382 Numeric value defined
S Stabilization factor numeric 0.0321577702419101 - 0.51337900701509 NA calculate
k Decomposition speed numeric 0.00330935612190411 - 0.0228099778109587 g days-1 calculate
initial_weight_gteabag Initial weight green tea + bag, coord and label numeric 1.8684 - 2.2479 g measured
initial_weight_rteabag Initial weight red tea + bag, coord and label numeric 2.0546 - 2.3203 g measured
initial_weight_gtea Initial weight green tea only numeric 1.562548 - 1.930663 g measured
initial_weight_rtea Initial weight red tea only numeric 1.671251 - 1.9196805 g measured
recovery_date Recovery date NA NA yyyy-mm-dd recorded
recovery_date Recovery date NA NA yyyy-mm-dd recorded
final_weight_gteabag Final weight green tea including bag and cord, no label numeric 0.4892 - 1.1872 g measured
final_weight_rteabag Final weight red tea including bag and cord, no label numeric 1.265 - 1.7662 g measured
final_weight_gtea Final weight green tea tea only numeric 0.3386 - 1.0366 g measured
final_weight_rtea Final weight red tea tea only numeric 1.1144 - 1.6156 g measured
Ag Fraction decomposed green tea numeric 0.409734876093295 - 0.814923157456312 g g-1 calculate
Ar Predicted labile fraction red tea numeric 0.268614788127671 - 0.534248910826466 g g-1 calculate
Wt Fraction remaining red tea numeric 0.618179720332477 - 0.876876136903617 g g-1 calculate
time Incubation time numeric 60 - 98 days calculate
comment comments categorical broken G - outlier NA NA

Litter cn

Variable name Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units/treatment level How measured
year Year of sampling numeric 2016 - 2016 2012 defined
siteID Unique site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
sampleID Unique sample ID numeric 1 - 2 NA defined
sampleID Unique sample ID numeric 1 - 2 Numeric value defined
sub_sampleID Unique sub sample ID numeric 1.1 - 12.4 Numeric value defined
sample_weight Weight of sample used for CN analysis numeric 4.85 - 5.41 Numeric value measured
n_percent Nitrogen content numeric 0.75086 - 1.73356 percentage measured
c_percent Carbon content numeric 42.11312 - 44.91949 percentage measured
cn_ratio Carbon to nitrogen ratio numeric 24.8215175707792 - 56.5589191060917 Unitless measured

8 Environment data


Variable name Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units/treatment level How measured
year Year of sampling numeric 2008 - 2020 2012 defined
date Date of sampling NA NA yyyy-mm-dd defined
date Date of sampling NA NA yyyy-mm-dd defined
siteID Unique site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
flag Flagging problematic data categorical bias - WrongValues_TooLow NA recorded
logger Temperature logger type categorical temp200cm - tempsoil NA defined
value Temperature value numeric -28.25482 - 64.5 °C measured


Variable name Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units/treatment level How measured
year Year of sampling numeric 1900 - 2020 2012 defined
date Date of sampling NA NA yyyy-mm-dd defined
date Date of sampling NA NA yyyy-mm-dd defined
siteID Unique site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
flag Flagging problematic data categorical VarianceProblem_TooHigh - WrongValues_TooLow NA recorded
logger Soilmoisture logger categorical soil.moisture1 - soil.moisture2 NA defined
value Soilmoisture value numeric 0 - 1.02 percentage measured
sensor.disagree Sensor disagreement numeric -0.962 - 0.915 NA recorded
type Type of logger categorical ITAS - ITAS ITAS or UTL recorded

Soilmoisture plot level

Variable name Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units/treatment level How measured
year Year of sampling numeric 2010 - 2018 2012 defined
date Date of sampling date 2010-06-23 - 2018-08-29 yyyy-mm-dd defined
siteID Unique site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
turfID Unique turf ID categorical 100TT4522 - XC4 1 TT2 28 defined
blockID Unique blockID categorical Alr - Vik5 NA defined
blockID_FC BlockID for FunCaB site categorical 1 - FC13 NA defined
replicate Replicate per plot numeric 1 - 4 NA defined
weather Weather during data collection categorical Blue sky - windy, cloudy sun, rainy recorded
recorder Name of recorder categorical ? - VV NA defined
transcriber_comment Comment by transcriber categorical (block 12 doesn’t have a C-plot, but block FC15 does…) - The only thing that makes me unsure is that for block 13 (which I believe is actually block 12) there are measurements from a C-plot NA NA
value Plot level soilmoisture value numeric 0 - 100 % soilmoisture measured

Gridded climate data

Variable name Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units/treatment level How measured
date Date of sampling date 2008-01-02 - 2021-12-31 yyyy-mm-dd defined
siteID Unique site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
variable Climate variable categorical cloud_cover - wind Temperature defined
value Climate variable value numeric -34.3 - 205 numeric value modelled

Soil structure

Variable name Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units/treatment level How measured
year Year of sampling numeric 2013 - 2018 2012 defined
siteID Unique site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
blockID Unique blockID categorical Alr1 - Vik5 NA defined
sampleID Unique sample ID categorical 1 - VIK_5-2 NA defined
depth Depth of bulk density measure (0 - 4 cm, or 4 - 8 cm) numeric 2 - 8 NA measured
variable Soil structure variable categorical bulk_density - soil_depth Soil depth, bulk density, sand, silt and clay content defined
value Soil structure value numeric 0.0483557755879933 - 30 cm, g cm–³, percentage measured
unit Unit for soil structure variables categorical cm - percentage cm, g cm–³, percentage recorded

Soil chemistry

Variable name Description Variable type Variable range or levels Units/treatment level How measured
year Year of sampling numeric 2009 - 2015 2012 defined
siteID_dest Unique destination site ID categorical Alrust - Vikesland Alrust defined
blockID_dest Unique destination block ID categorical Alr1 - Vik5 Alr1 defined
originPlotID Unique origin plot ID numeric 1 - 539 Numeric value defined
destinationPlotID Unique destination plot ID numeric 1 - 3112 Numeric value defined
turfID Unique turf ID categorical 1 TT2 28 - Vik5RTC 1 TT2 28 defined
TTtreat Turf transplant treatment categorical TT1 - TTC TT1 - TTC defined
variable Soil chemistry variables including pH, loss of ignition (loi), NO3N, NH4N, available N, N content, C content, CN ratio and soil depth categorical available_N - soil_depth NA defined
value Value for soil chemistry variables including pH, loss of ignition (loi), NO3N, NH4N, available N, N content, C content, CN ratio and soil depth numeric -0.79 - 1708.38 unitless, percentage, μg per g resin/bag/day and cm measured
unit Unit for soil chemistry variables including unitless, percentage, μg per g resin/bag/day and cm categorical cm - μg per g resin/bag/day unitless, percentage, μg per g resin/bag/day and cm recorded


seedclim community analyses







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