Most of the people do not track how they spend their money while it is the best way that can help them achieve their financial goal. Spent is the expense tracking mobile-first web app that helps the user to track how and where they spent their money. Transactions are grouped by the category to help them know where they spend most of their money. It is built with Ruby on Rails and Bootstrap to handle beautiful user interface.
The end result should follow the following data model (this is an Entity Relationship Diagram that you are already familiar with):
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- Rubocop
- Bootstrap
- Gems
- Rspec
- Capybara
- Shoulder-matcher
- Selenium-webdriver
- cancancan
- Devise
- FactoryBot
- Faker
- Mail-catcher
Follow these steps below:
- Ruby
- Rails
- PostgreSQL
Clone the repo and run bundle install in the command line to install the dependencies
$ git clone
$ cd Spent
$ bundle install
$ npm install
rails c
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
rubocop -A
$ rspec
- this will run all the test cases
$ rspec spec/folder_name/name_of_test_file.rb
- to run test cases individually
$ rails server
Open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser
👤 Bertrand Mutangana Ishimwe
- GitHub: @BertrandConxy
- Twitter: @Bconxy
- LinkedIn: Bertrand Mutangana Ishimwe
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Original design idea by Snapscan - iOs design and branding
- Many thanks to Microverse
- Thanks to everyone whose ideas were used to achieve this project
This project is MIT licensed.