stellar-add-guest is a small tool to generate a new guest for Stellar Wireless (Enterprise mode) in OmniVista 2500 hosted on OmniSwitch with AOS Release 8.
"ov_hostname": "hostname or IP address of OV e.g. omnivista.home but without https",
"ov_username": "admin",
"ov_password": "<your ov admin password>",
"validate_https_certificate": "no",
"send_emails": "yes",
"ssid_name": "Stellar Wireless Gäste-WLAN",
"email_from": "<your from email address>",
"smtp_server": "",
"smtp_auth": "yes",
"smtp_port": 587,
"smtp_user": "<your SMTP login name, often your email_from>",
"smtp_password": "<your SMTP password>",
"language": "de",
"email_to": "<your email_to, if no argv is given>",
"guest_prefix": "gast_",
"guest_duration_in_days": 31
Router-> python3 /flash/python/ <>
[+] Reading settings.json file
[!] Ignoring certificate warnings or self-signed certificates!
[!] You should really fix this!
[+] Updating email_to address to: <>
[*] Attempting to connect to OmniVista server @ https://omnivista.home
[*] Connection to omnivista.home successful!