Time Saver Timesheet System
This is part of my Liberty University Capstone project for my degree in Information Technology: Web and Mobile Programming. I would appreciate any feedback regarding any of my code, the UX design, organization, and whatever else you can think of!
What is it: Time Saver was created to be an open source timesheet tracking application for businesses.
The goal was to create a responsive and ininteractive website to make tracking, recording, reporting, and approving time sheets simple. The main purpose of the site is to help companies who have outdated and inneficient time sheet systems that just consist of excel spreadsheets getting passed around and saved.
The demo version of this build will be built using local storage at first to make it easy for anyone to come and test out the project. The full version of the build will include a php and mySQL that will link to and interact with a database.
Want to try the Demo? Go to https://bengroff.github.io/TimeSaver/index.html, login with the username "Admin", "Manager", or "User1" and the password "1234" and play around with it! Let me know what you think!
Software Used:
Web Languages / Frameworks
- HTML - Mix of Hardcoding and dynamic loading
- Custom CSS
- Bootstrap 4
- Iconic Icons
Client-Side Languages
- Custom JS / jQuery
- Local Storage
- Basic Bootstrap JS / jQuery Files
** In Full Build
- Server-Side Languages
- mySQL
**** The full build will be linked to a database to store and receive the necessary information and make the application work in a long term setting. For the demo of the project, the build will be created using local storage for simple use and testing.