CMHealth is the easiest way to add secure, HIPAA compliant cloud data storage and user management to your ResearchKit or CareKit iOS app. Built and backed by CloudMine and the CloudMine Connected Health Cloud.
CMHealth is available through CocoaPods version 1.0.0 or later. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'MyHealthApp' do
pod 'CMHealth'
The SDK provides category methods on standard ResearchKit classes, allowing you
to save and fetch ORKTaskResult
objects to and from the CloudMine Connected Health Cloud.
You can see the full documentation and class references on CocoaPods or GitHub.
#import <CMHealth/CMHealth.h>
// surveyResult is an instance of ORKTaskResult, or any ORKResult subclass
[surveyResult cmh_saveToStudyWithDescriptor:@"MyClinicalStudy" withCompletion:^(NSString *uploadStatus, NSError *error) {
if (nil == uploadStatus) {
// handle error
if ([uploadStatus isEqualToString:@"created"]) {
// A new research kit result was saved
} else if ([uploadStatus isEqualToString:@"updated"]) {
// An existing research kit result was updated
#import <CMHealth/CMHealth.h>
[ORKTaskResult cmh_fetchUserResultsForStudyWithDescriptor:@"MyClinicalStudy" withCompletion:^(NSArray *results, NSError *error) {
if (nil == results) {
// handle error
for (ORKTaskResult *result in results) {
// use your result
The SDK provides the ability to save and fetch data stored in CareKit's local device store to and from the CloudMine Connected Health Cloud.
Patients using a CareKit app are assigned activities to perform according to a pre-determined schedule. These activities can be easily pushed to or fetched from CloudMine.
#import <CMHealth/CMHealth.h>
- (void)addInitialActivities
// Add activities to local stores store
[self.carePlanStore cmh_saveActivtiesWithCompletion:^(NSString * _Nullable uploadStatus, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (nil == uploadStatus) {
// Handle Error
// All activities in store saved remotely
- (void)fetchAndLoadActivities
[self.carePlanStore cmh_fetchActivitiesWithCompletion:^(NSArray<OCKCarePlanActivity *> * _Nonnull activities, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (nil != error) {
// handle error
// Sucessfully fetched activity
for (OCKCarePlanActivity *activity in activities) {
[self.carePlanStore addActivity:activity completion:^(BOOL success, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (!success) {
// handle error
// activity added successfully
As patients complete their activities CareKit creates events recording the data generated. CMHealth makes it simple to save these events or to fetch and load them into the local store, enabling you to collect important patient data across logins and devices.
#import <CMHealth/CMHealth.h>
#pragma mark OCKCarePlanStoreDelegate
- (void)carePlanStore:(OCKCarePlanStore *)store didReceiveUpdateOfEvent:(OCKCarePlanEvent *)event
[event cmh_saveWithCompletion:^(NSString * _Nullable uploadStatus, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (nil == uploadStatus) {
// Handle Error
// Successfully saved
- (void)fetchAndLoadSavedEvents
[self.carePlanStore cmh_fetchAndLoadAllEventsWithCompletion:^(BOOL success, NSArray<NSError *> * _Nonnull errors) {
if (!success) {
// Handle Error
// All events fetched and loaded to local store
The SDK provides a user abstraction for managing your participant accounts, with straightforward methods for user authentication.
#import <CMHealth/CMHealth.h>
[[CMHUser currentUser] signUpWithEmail:email password:password andCompletion:^(NSError *error) {
if (nil != error) {
// handle error
// The user is now signed up
The SDK also provides a convenient way to complete user signup if your app uses a standard
ResearchKit ORKRegistrationStep
. Simply pass the ORKTaskResult
to the signupWithRegistration:andCompletion:
method. The SDK ensures
a registration result is present in the results hierarchy and extracts the relevant
participant data before registering the user's account.
#import <CMHealth/CMHealth.h>
#pragma mark ORKTaskViewControllerDelegate
- (void)taskViewController:(ORKTaskViewController *)taskViewController didFinishWithReason:(ORKTaskViewControllerFinishReason)reason error:(NSError *)error
if (nil != error) {
// Handle Error
if (reason == ORKTaskViewControllerFinishReasonCompleted) {
[CMHUser.currentUser signUpWithRegistration:taskViewController.result andCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable signupError) {
if (nil == signupError) {
// Handle Error
// The user is now signed up
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
The SDK includes a preconfigured ResearchKit ORKLoginStepViewController
to handle login and password reset for existing users. The view controller can simply
be instantiated and presented; the result is returned via a delegate callback.
#import <CMHealth/CMHealth.h>
- (IBAction)loginButtonDidPress:(UIButton *)sender
CMHLoginViewController *loginVC = [[CMHLoginViewController alloc] initWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Log In", nil)
text:NSLocalizedString(@"Please log in to you account to store and access your research data.", nil)
loginVC.view.tintColor = [UIColor greenColor];
[self presentViewController:loginVC animated:YES completion:nil];
#pragma mark CMHLoginViewControllerDelegate
- (void)loginViewControllerCancelled:(CMHLoginViewController *)viewController
// User cancelled login process
- (void)loginViewController:(CMHLoginViewController *)viewController didLogin:(BOOL)success error:(NSError *)error
if (!success) {
// Handle Error
// The user is now logged in
The SDK provides specific methods for archiving and fetching participant consent.
In ResearchKit, user consent is collected in any ORKTask
with special consent and signature
steps included. CMHealth allows you to archive the resulting ORKTaskResult
containing the user's consent. The SDK ensures that a consent step is present in the result hierarchy and that a signature has been collected. It handles uploading the signature image seamlessly.
#import <CMHealth/CMHealth.h>
// `consentResults` is an instance of `ORKTaskResult`
[[CMHUser currentUser] uploadUserConsent:consentResults forStudyWithDescriptor:@"MyClinicalStudy" andCompletion:^(NSError * consentError) {
if (nil != error) {
// handle error
// consent uploaded successfully
To ensure your participants have a valid consent on file before allowing them to participate in study activities, you can fetch any user's consent object.
#import <CMHealth/CMHealth.h>
[[CMHUser currentUser] fetchUserConsentForStudyWithDescriptor:@"MyClinicalStudy" andCompletion:^(CMHConsent *consent, NSError *error) {
if (nil != error) {
// Something went wrong
if (nil == consent) {
// No consent on file
// User has valid consent on file
CMHealth includes and extends the CloudMine iOS SDK, so you get all of the core CloudMine functionality for free. To go beyond the ResearchKit specific parts of CMHealth, start with the CloudMine iOS documentation.
To get a sense of how CMHealth works seamlessly with ResearchKit, you can check out the CloudMine AsthmaHealth demo application. The SDK is designed to work seamlessly with Swift. Check out the AsthmaHealthSwift demo to see an all-Swift app enabled by CMHealth.
To see an example of CMHealth working in tandem with CareKit, you can check out the CloudMine [BackTrack](TODO: URL) demo application.
For general CMHealth support, please email - we are here to help!
For the more advantageous, we encourage getting directly involved via standard GitHub fork, issue tracker, and pull request pathways. See the CONTRIBUTING document to get started.
CMHealth is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.