Arduino/Software based Synthesizer of user provided pitch and waveform. Played like a mix between a guitar, violin and piano.
The Vuision is a synthesizer that uses an Arduino Due, three potentiometers, a speaker, and a few other components to create dynamic sound. It's closest acoustic relatives are a guitar/violin and a piano, however, it also shares similarities with many other potentiometer-based synthesizers.
The Vuision is comprised of a large wooden slab with a deep cutout fir components in the lower bottom, a small channel for cable routing, and three potentiometers that measure position pressed, an arduinio Due, and breadborad circutry for the potentiometers and an audio output. The cutout has a slab of flat wood mounted onto it where the components are screwed in. Audio and power are housed outside of the instrument, however, a battery can be mounted on for compact usage. The synthesis is entirely software based uses Wavetable DDS (Direct Digital Sytnthesis)+Grain Additive Synthesis combined with the onboard clock timer to generate waveforms. Moving along each potentiometer modulates pitch, and more than one can be played at the same time.
Materials are:
-Arduino Due
-3 Softpot Membrane Potentiometers
-Solderless breadboard
-Wires, 10uF capacitor, a couple 5.1k resistors, a 500 ohm resistor, etc. [Needs change based off of configuration]
-Screws and nails [Needs changed based off of configuration]
-USB powered speaker
-Sparkfun 3.5mm audio jack breakout
-Power bank
-A wooden slab
-Soldering Iron
-Electrical Tape
-Wood Glue
-Something to carve channels (Routers are better, but we used a chisel)
Designed and implemented by:
Maximo P.
Lukas V.
Alex B.
Ibrahim M.
Special thanks to: The Arduino Forums, RCArduino, Arduino, CrossRoads, and ard_newbie