Server for the BeatLeader website, mods and Discord bot.
Deployed here:
The main data source for the server are replays. It is operating by the simple rule - no replay, no score.
To start this thing you need to install several tools:
- Visual Studio 2022 (make sure to select ASP.NET during installation)
- Docker
- IIS Express
For testing use Postman.
Warning: This project uses private submodules, your git client might be not happy about that. For the best experience use SourceTree App as it allows selective submodule pull by double clicking them in a list.
After everything is installed:
- Change working directory to project.
docker pull
docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=SuperStrong!" -p 1433:1433 --name sqlserver1 --hostname sqlserver1 -d
docker start sqlserver1
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
dotnet tool restore
dotnet ef database update --context AppContext
dotnet ef database update --context StorageContext
- Open the .sln in Visual Studio and run the server with "IIS Express".
The server should be accessible at https://localhost:44313/
There is an automatically generated Swagger documentation available at the following link:
BeatLeader Oauth2.0 supports only Authorization Code Grant, it will work only if you have server side as well.
First off you need to dm nsgolova on Discord and send him the service information, the icon for the service and the callback endpoint for your website and local development (for example:
and http://localhost:3000/beatleader-login
). You will get a client id and client secret.
For this example, we'll use these variables:
- Client ID = exampleID
- Client Secret = exampleSecret
- Callback URL = http://localhost:3000/beatleader-login
Disclaimer! It will be much easier to use a library for that, for example with AspNet.Security.OpenId. There is a C# example here
Now you need to construct a URL for the oauth2. If we use the variables above, the URL should look something like this:
Note: If you want the server issue also refresh token, you need to add offline_access
to scope
parameter of oauth2/authorize
request. Scopes in OAuth2 Specification are separated by a space, so the parameter should be profile%20offline_access
(%20 is a space encoded in the url).
When the person authorizes access to their account information, BeatLeader will redirect the user to your callback URL with a code
and iss
query parameter.
Let's say that the code we got back is exampleCode
Example return link: http://localhost:3000/beatleader-login?code=exampleCode&
Now you need to get a token to make a request to identify a user. So now, on your server, you need to send a POST request to the following url:
. The headers should contain Content-Type of "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". And the body of the request needs to contain the following string: grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=exampleID&client_secret=exampleSecret&code=exampleCode&redirect_uri=http://localhost:3000/beatleader-login
grant_type = authorization_code
client_id = exampleID
client_secret = exampleSecret
code = exampleCode
reidrect_uri = http://localhost:3000/beatleader-login
If the request was successful, you should get a JSON response containing the access token in the access_token
field. If your scopes also contained offline_access
you will also get a refresh token in the refresh_token
"access_token": "eyJ...",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600,
"scope": "profile offline_access",
"refresh_token": "eyJ..."
Let's say our access_token is exampleToken
Now, to identify the user, we have to send a GET request to
with a header "Authorization". The content of the Authorization header should be Bearer exampleToken
If everything was done correctly you should have gotten a JSON response with the user's id and name.
Note: the following flow is only available if you also specified offline_access
in scope
parameter during authorization.
When the access_token
expires you must refresh it. To do so, you must send a POST request to the endpoint
. The headers should contain Content-Type of "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". And the body of the request needs to contain the following string: grant_type=refresh_token&client_id=exampleID&client_secret=exampleSecret&refresh_token=OLD_REFRESH_TOKEN
If the request was successful, you should get a JSON response containing the new access token in the access_token
field and new refresh token in the refresh_token
field. The old tokens will be invalidated, so from then on you must use new ones.