A programmer for the AT28256 EEPROM, based on the Arduino Uno and 8-bit shift register,with a mini-interface in Python.
This project can be considered a mixture of several projects, it is based on the TommyPROM Programmer (the part of the management of Arduino registers) and the Crymaykish Programmer (for the Arduino-Python interaction).
- Software
- Compile and Run the Programmer.ino file in your Arduino Nano or Uno.
- Plug yout arduino and detect the serial port, then change the port of Unoprom.py
- Make sure yo gat installed the required libraries to run Unoprom.py (Math,Os,Time and Pyserial)
- Hardware
- Watch the Ben Eater EEPROM Programmer Video and follow the steps.
- Connect the corresponding pins of the 8-bit shift registers to the address pins of the AT28C256
- Move to the directory where you cloned this repository.
cd YOURPATH/Unoprom
- Plug your Arduino Uno or Nano to your PC
- From the terminal, run the following command:
python3 unoprom.py
- If all is well, a menu will appear with the programmer options
- To porgram a.bin or.s make sure you have it in the same folder or change the path (default is a.out)
- Fallow the minimal GUI
- :D