A tiny code to convert date into Jalali calendar using Pure PHP code without extra library and code.
array jalaliDate(?int $year, ?int $month, ?int $day)
// OR
First you need to include the library by include "src/JalaliDate.php";
print_r(jalaliDate()); // It will return today date in Jalali date system.
// Array
// (
// [year] => 1401
// [month] => 08
// [day] => 04
// )
print_r(jalaliDate(2022, 9, 26));
// Array
// (
// [year] => 1401
// [month] => 07
// [day] => 04
// )
You can see the solution algorithm for most programming languages at here.
My nickname is Max, Programming language developer, Full-stack programmer. I love computer scientists, researchers, and compilers. (Max Base)
A team includes some programmer, developer, designer, researcher(s) especially Max Base.