Gigachat is a collaborative effort by Bartłomiej Czech, Mateusz Warzecha and Piotr Lehmann. It is a modern and user-friendly chat application developed as a university project, using React Native. It showcases our skills in mobile app development and demonstrates our ability to work as a group.
- You can download the app using the following link:
- Or, alternatively, take a look at our presentation of the app:
Real-Time Messaging: Gigachat allows users to engage in real-time conversations, enabling seamless communication with friends and colleagues. You can even see that the other person is typing!
User Authentication: Secure user authentication ensures that only authorized users can access the app's features.
Search Functionality: A search feature allows users to quickly find and navigate through their chats.
Responsive Design: Gigachat is designed to provide a consistent and enjoyable user experience across iOS and Android devices (unfortunately, as the company discovered only later on, one's gotta pay 99 bucks yearly in order to be able to create apps for iOS. So, you guessed it, the company resigned from investing in this branch of the market... U won't find Gigachat for iOS.).
We utilized a range of technologies and tools to create Gigachat, including:
React Native: The app is built using React Native, ensuring cross-platform compatibility for both iOS and Android.
Node and express.js: The API and all of our backend was created with help of those 2 technologies.
MongoDB: MongoDB serves as the database for real-time data storage.
ChakraUI: We used Chakra UI for the app's user interface components, allowing for a sleek and responsive design.
React Navigation: The app uses React Navigation for seamless navigation and routing within the application.