This repository contains a Bank Customer Data Analytics dashboard developed using Power BI. The dashboard provides insights and visualizations based on a bank’s customer dataset obtained from Kaggle.
The dataset used for this project is sourced from Kaggle and consists of customer information from a bank. The dataset includes variables such as customer ID, customer name, gender, region, job classification, date joined etc.
This repository is structured as follows:
- Readme file:
- Raw dataset file:
- P6-UK-Bank-Customers.csv
- Bank_Customer_Analytics_Dashboard.pbix:
- This power bi file contains the dashboard comprising of various visualizations performed on the dataset.
- Feel free to explore the Bank_Customer_Data_Analytics_Dashboard.pbix file to view the specific visualizations used in this analysis.
The Bank Customer Analytics dashboard includes the following components:
- KPI Metrics: Provides key performance indicator metrics such as the total number of customers, the number of male and female customers etc.
- Account Balance Analysis: Analyses the account balance distribution based on age groups, providing insights into the wealth distribution among different customer segments.
- Geographic Distribution: Visualizes the total number of customers based on geographical regions, helping to identify the bank's market reach and customer distribution.
- Top Customers: Highlights the top five customers based on their account balances, allowing for quick identification of high-value customers.
- Job Classification: Analyses the total number of customers based on their job classifications, providing insights into the bank's customer base.
- Yearly Trends: Presents the total number of customers on a yearly basis, enabling the identification of customer growth patterns and trends over time.
To explore the Bank Customer Data Analytics dashboard:
- Clone the repository: git clone
- Open Power BI Desktop or Power BI Online.
- Import the customer dataset located in the repository into Power BI.
- Open the Power BI project file (bank_data_customer_analytics.pbix) located in the repository.
- In Power BI, refresh the data connection to ensure the dashboard is using the latest dataset.
- Interact with the different dashboard components to gain insights into the bank customer data.
- Customize the dashboard as per your requirements by modifying the visuals, adding new insights, or connecting additional data sources.
To work with the Bank Customer Data Analytics dashboard, you will need the following:
- Power BI Desktop or Power BI Online: The dashboard was designed using Power BI and requires Power BI Desktop or Power BI Online to explore the visuals and interact with the data.
- Dataset: Obtain the customer dataset located in the repository and import it into Power BI.
- Please ensure that you have the appropriate software and dataset available before using the dashboard.
The dataset used in this project is sourced from Kaggle and is subject to the licensing terms provided by the dataset author. Please refer to the Kaggle dataset documentation for more information on licensing and usage restrictions.
Special thanks to Kaggle for providing the Bank Customer dataset, enabling us to create this analytics dashboard. We appreciate their efforts in collecting and sharing the data for analysis.