Vagrant for Foswiki
Each new Foswiki developer needs to setup her/his own private local Foswiki installation. This is cumbersome, error-prone, slow, and might lead to having less developers because a first setup for dev is a lot of work.
The aim of this project is double:
- Ease first developer installation so they can start coding in "minutes"
- Ease and automate unit testing on several architectures
To use this, you will need Vagrant, VirtualBox (version 4.1 at least), and some basebox for Vagrant
TODO: Give real instructions #download and install VirtualBox, then $ gem install vagrant $ git clone $ cd foswiki-vagrant $ git submodule update --init
You can simply boot up your VM, and by default it will install all dependencies and run the unit tests for the latest release branch, and trunk. Should take over half an hour the first time:
$ vagrant up
Then you can "play" with your box, locally using:
$ vagrant ssh
You can access your local Foswiki installation at: http://localhost:8080
To replay just the provisionning phase (what chef does), issue:
$ vagrant provision
When you are done, you can delete everything including the VM (You will loose any modification you made) using:
$ vagrant destroy
Or you can simply shutdown the VM:
$ vagrant halt