A Fullstack Application That Allows Custom Communication with Trello
# Navigate To
# Store your Key then generate a token by clicking on Generate Token (store it also)
# Create a .env file and write the following (or edit enviromental variables on the webhost)
Trello_Key= {your app key}
Trello_Token= {your generated token}
# Run the Express server to get your board id
cd server
npm run server
Navigate to '/boards' route in the browser url ex:"http://localhost:5000/boards"
# Store your board ID and add to .env file
Trello_Token= {your generated token}
# Continue by restarting the server and running the client
docker run -d --name redis -p 6379:6379 redis
# for further documentation visit: https://hub.docker.com/_/redis
- Redis requires further configuration by providing a redis.conf file
- Docker containers will need network linking if they aren't on the bridge network
- set REDIS_HOST env variable for the api server to redis container name if it's not connecting
# Change directory to server directory
cd server
# Install dependencies for server
npm install
# Install dependencies for client
npm run client-install
# Create a .env file and write the following (or add enviromental variables on the webhost)
REDIS_HOST: {redis server ip (container name or ip in case of docker usage) }
REDIS_PORT: {redis server port}
Trello_Key= {your app key}
Trello_Token= {your generated token}
Trello_Board_ID= {your chosen Board id}
-> Start Redis
# Run the client & server with concurrently
npm run dev
# Run the Express server only
npm run server
# Run the React client only
npm run client
# Server runs on http://localhost:5000 and client on http://localhost:3000
# If the server is not on localhost add or edit .env on the client
# Edit docker-compose.yml with your own enviromental variables
REDIS_HOST: {redis container name or ip}
REDIS_PORT: {redis container port}
Trello_Key= {your app key}
Trello_Token= {your generated token}
Trello_Board_ID= {your chosen Board id}
# Run the Following Commands
docker build -t "react-app" ./client/
docker build -t "api-server" ./server/
# Start The Containers
docker-compose up
# To Stop The Containers
docker-compose down
# Server runs locally on http://localhost:5000 and client on http://localhost:3000
- If you are facing connection issues on windows set WSL Adapter's IP to DHCP and DNS to Auto
- If you want to use vpn you need to restart docker after you connect