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Library and lambda functions which integrates towards Datacite (registry agency, RA).

API integrations

Datacite MDS

Documentation about DOI

See NVAs page in Confluence about DOI


    "url": "[url-value]",
    "institutionId": "[institutionId-value]",
    "dataciteXml": "[dataciteXml-value]"

url: Landing page URL

institutionId: Identifier of institution

dataciteXml: Metadata of resource, expected format:

Secrets Manager (AWS)

Secret with id "dataCiteCustomerSecrets" with key 'dataCiteCustomerSecrets' must be present.

Value of secret should be stored in JSON format like this:

    "customerId": "",
    "customerDoiPrefix": "10.5072",
    "dataCiteMdsClientUrl": "",
    "dataCiteMdsClientUsername": "org.repositoryuser",
    "dataCiteMdsClientPassword": "CUSTOMER-NVA-PASSWORD"

Description of configuration

customerId: IRI for NVA customer.

customerDoiPrefix: A reserved NVA repository containing associated DOI prefix for NVA usage.

dataCiteMdsClientUrl: API endpoint to DataCite MDS API.

dataCiteMdsClientPassword: Organization's repository user password.

assignd-doi-datecite-example CLI client

You can easily run the CLI via gradle by issuing the commands with:

./gradlew :assign-doi-datacite-example:run --args="<command line argument goes here>"

Examples below, copy them into <command line argument goes here>

Create DOI with metadata

create --config $(pwd)/datacite-mds-test-config.json --customer -m $(pwd)/assign-doi-datacite-example/example-minimal-document.xml 10.16903

Delete DOI in Draft state

delete doi --config $(pwd)/datacite-mds-test-config.json --customer 10.16903/test-rono-dev-example3

Delete DOI metadata (This makes it de-listed)

delete metadata --config $(pwd)/datacite-mds-test-config.json --customer 10.16903/test-rono-dev-example1

Update DOI metadata

update --config $(pwd)/datacite-mds-test-config.json --customer -m $(pwd)/assign-doi-datacite-example/example-minimal-document.xml 10.16903/test-rono-dev-example1

Update DOI landing page

landingpage --config $(pwd)/datacite-mds-test-config.json --customer -l 10.16903/test-rono-dev-example1

Notice changes won't show before it has gone 1 day! DOI landing page are cached for 24 hours. You need to query the JSON API in the handle server to verify if it has been updated.

Other information

The CLI client is hardcoded and configured to run towards test environment API servers, so even if you change the --config to contain dataCiteMdsClientUrl for production, the authenticator won't authenticate for security reasons. We want to be really careful about minting DOIs in production!