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Olga Dalton edited this page Sep 9, 2019 · 3 revisions

Brokered Authentication

If your app requires conditional access or certificate authentication (currently in preview) support, you must set up your AuthenticationContext and redirectURI to be able to talk to the Azure Authenticator app.

Enable Broker Mode on Your Context

Broker is enabled on a per-authentication-context basis. You must set your credentials type if you wish ADAL to call to broker:

/*! See the ADCredentialsType enumeration definition for details */
@property ADCredentialsType credentialsType;

The AD_CREDENTIALS_AUTO setting will allow ADAL to try to call out to the broker, AD_CREDENTIALS_EMBEDDED will prevent ADAL from calling to the broker.

Registering a URL Scheme

ADAL uses URLs to invoke the broker and then return back to your app. To finish that round trip you need a URL scheme registered for your app. We recommend making the URL scheme fairly unique to minimize the chances of another app using the same URL scheme.



ADAL uses –canOpenURL: to check if the broker is installed on the device. in iOS 9 Apple locked down what schemes an application can query for. You will need to add “msauth” to the LSApplicationQueriesSchemes section of your info.plist file.


Redirect URI

This adds extra requirements on your redirect URI. Your redirect URI must be in the proper form.

ex: x-msauth-mytestiosapp://

This Redirect URI needs to be registered on the app portal as a valid redirect URI. Additionally a second "msauth" form needs to be registered to handle certificate authentication in Azure Authenticator.

ex: msauth://code/

Additional iOS 13 considerations:

ADAL is not able to complete brokered authentication on iOS 13