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Sync eng/common directory with azure-sdk-tools for PR 9601 (#23966)
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* updates to dynamic matrix generation. moves indirectly included packages to sparse usage. adds additional parameters to GeneratePRMatrix that enable further filtering of the matrix generated for the indirect packages


Co-authored-by: Scott Beddall <>
Co-authored-by: Wes Haggard <>
  • Loading branch information
3 people authored Jan 17, 2025
1 parent afa67e6 commit dd508f4
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Showing 3 changed files with 185 additions and 56 deletions.
11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions eng/common/pipelines/templates/jobs/generate-job-matrix.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,12 @@ parameters:
- name: PRMatrixSetting
type: string
default: 'ArtifactPackageNames'
- name: PRJobBatchSize
type: number
default: 10
- name: PRMatrixIndirectFilters
type: object
default: []
# Mappings to OS name required at template compile time by 1es pipeline templates
- name: Pools
type: object
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,7 +132,6 @@ jobs:
- ${{ else }}:
- ${{ each pool in parameters.Pools }}:
- pwsh: |
# dump the conglomerated CI matrix
'${{ convertToJson(parameters.MatrixConfigs) }}' | Set-Content matrix.json
./eng/common/scripts/job-matrix/Create-PrJobMatrix.ps1 `
Expand All @@ -135,7 +140,9 @@ jobs:
-PRMatrixSetting ${{ parameters.PRMatrixSetting }} `
-DisplayNameFilter '$(displayNameFilter)' `
-Filters '${{ join(''',''', parameters.MatrixFilters) }}', 'container=^$', 'SupportedClouds=^$|${{ parameters.CloudConfig.Cloud }}', 'Pool=${{ pool.filter }}' `
-Replace '${{ join(''',''', parameters.MatrixReplace) }}'
-IndirectFilters '${{ join(''',''', parameters.PRMatrixIndirectFilters) }}' `
-Replace '${{ join(''',''', parameters.MatrixReplace) }}' `
-PackagesPerPRJob ${{ parameters.PRJobBatchSize }}
displayName: Create ${{ }} PR Matrix
name: vm_job_matrix_pr_${{ }}
Expand Down
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps/verify-readmes.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,13 +13,20 @@ parameters:
- name: Condition
type: string
default: succeeded()
- name: IncludeIndirect
type: boolean
default: true

- pwsh: |
$includeIndirect = $${{ parameters.IncludeIndirect }}
$packageProperties = Get-ChildItem -Recurse "${{ parameters.PackagePropertiesFolder }}" *.json
$paths = @()
if (-not $includeIndirect) {
$packageProperties = $packageProperties | Where-Object { (Get-Content -Raw $_ | ConvertFrom-Json).IncludedForValidation -eq $false }
foreach($propertiesFile in $packageProperties) {
$PackageProp = Get-Content -Path $propertiesFile | ConvertFrom-Json
Expand Down
221 changes: 168 additions & 53 deletions eng/common/scripts/job-matrix/Create-PrJobMatrix.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ It generates the matrix by the following algorithm:
- add the combined property name to the parameters of the matrix item
- add the matrix item to the overall result
.PARAMETER IndirectFilters
Any array of strings representing filters that will only be applied to the matrix generation for indirect packages. This is useful for
filtering out OTHER parameter settings othan than PRMatrixSetting that are only relevant to direct packages.
For .NET, this value will be AdditionalTestArguments=/p:UseProjectReferenceToAzureClients=true
./eng/common/scripts/job-matrix/Create-PrJobMatrix.ps1 `
-PackagePropertiesFolder "path/to/populated/PackageInfo" `
Expand All @@ -36,13 +42,158 @@ param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $PRMatrixSetting,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string] $DisplayNameFilter,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][array] $Filters,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][array] $IndirectFilters,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][array] $Replace,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][int] $PackagesPerPRJob = 10,
[Parameter()][switch] $CI = ($null -ne $env:SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECTID)

Set-StrictMode -Version 4
. $PSScriptRoot/job-matrix-functions.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/../Helpers/Package-Helpers.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot/../Package-Properties.ps1
$BATCHSIZE = $PackagesPerPRJob

# this function takes an array of objects, takes a copy of the first item, and moves that item to the back of the array
function QueuePop([ref]$queue) {

if ($queue.Value.Length -eq 1) {
return ($queue.Value[0] | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable)

# otherwise we can rotate stuff
$first = $queue.Value[0]
$rest = $queue.Value[1..($queue.Value.Length - 1)]

$queue.Value = $rest + $first

return ($first | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable)

function GeneratePRMatrixForBatch {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][array] $Packages

$OverallResult = @()
if (!$Packages) {
Write-Host "Unable to generate matrix for empty package list"
return ,$OverallResult

# this check assumes that we have properly separated the direct and indirect package lists
$directBatch = $Packages[0].IncludedForValidation -eq $false
Write-Host "Generating matrix for $($directBatch ? 'direct' : 'indirect') packages"

# The key here is that after we group the packages by the matrix config objects, we can use the first item's MatrixConfig
# to generate the matrix for the group, no reason to have to parse the key value backwards to get the matrix config.
$matrixBatchesByConfig = Group-ByObjectKey $Packages "CIMatrixConfigs"

foreach ($matrixBatchKey in $matrixBatchesByConfig.Keys) {
$matrixBatch = $matrixBatchesByConfig[$matrixBatchKey]
$matrixConfigs = $matrixBatch | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty CIMatrixConfigs

$matrixResults = @()
foreach ($matrixConfig in $matrixConfigs) {
Write-Host "Generating config for $($matrixConfig.Path)"

$matrixResults = @()
if ($directBatch) {
$matrixResults = GenerateMatrixForConfig `
-ConfigPath $matrixConfig.Path `
-Selection $matrixConfig.Selection `
-DisplayNameFilter $DisplayNameFilter `
-Filters $Filters `
-Replace $Replace

if ($matrixResults) {
Write-Host "We have the following direct matrix results: "
Write-Host ($matrixResults | Out-String)
else {
$matrixResults = GenerateMatrixForConfig `
-ConfigPath $matrixConfig.Path `
-Selection $matrixConfig.Selection `
-DisplayNameFilter $DisplayNameFilter `
-Filters ($Filters + $IndirectFilters) `
-Replace $Replace

if ($matrixResults) {
Write-Host "We have the following indirect matrix results: "
Write-Host ($matrixResults | Out-String)
else {
Write-Host "No indirect matrix results found for $($matrixConfig.Path)"

$packageBatches = Split-ArrayIntoBatches -InputArray $matrixBatch -BatchSize $BATCHSIZE

# we only need to modify the generated job name if there is more than one matrix config + batch
$matrixSuffixNecessary = $matrixBatchesByConfig.Keys.Count -gt 1

# if we are doing direct packages, we need to walk the batches and duplicate the matrix config for each batch, fully assigning
# the each batch's packages to the matrix config. This will generate a _non-sparse_ matrix for the incoming packages
if ($directBatch) {
$batchSuffixNecessary = $packageBatches.Length -gt 1
$batchCounter = 1

foreach ($batch in $packageBatches) {
$namesForBatch = ($batch | ForEach-Object { $_.ArtifactName }) -join ","

foreach ($matrixOutputItem in $matrixResults) {
# we need to clone this, as each item is an object with possible children
$outputItem = $matrixOutputItem | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable
# we just need to iterate across them, grab the parameters hashtable, and add the new key
# if there is more than one batch, we will need to add a suffix including the batch name to the job name
$outputItem["parameters"]["$PRMatrixSetting"] = $namesForBatch

if ($matrixSuffixNecessary) {
$outputItem["name"] = $outputItem["name"] + "_" + $matrixConfig.Name

if ($batchSuffixNecessary) {
$outputItem["name"] = $outputItem["name"] + "_b$batchCounter"

$OverallResult += $outputItem
$batchCounter += 1
# in the case of indirect packages, instead of walking the batches and duplicating their matrix config entirely,
# we instead will walk each each matrix, create a parameter named for the PRMatrixSetting, and add the targeted packages
# as an array. This will generate a _sparse_ matrix for for whatever the incoming packages are
else {
$batchSuffixNecessary = $packageBatches.Length -gt 0
$batchCounter = 1
foreach ($batch in $packageBatches) {
$namesForBatch = ($batch | ForEach-Object { $_.ArtifactName }) -join ","
$outputItem = QueuePop -queue ([ref]$matrixResults)

$outputItem["parameters"]["$PRMatrixSetting"] = $namesForBatch

if ($matrixSuffixNecessary) {
$outputItem["name"] = $outputItem["name"] + "_" + $matrixConfig.Name

if ($batchSuffixNecessary) {
$outputItem["name"] = $outputItem["name"] + "_ib$batchCounter"
# now we need to take an item from the front of the matrix results, clone it, and add it to the back of the matrix results
# we will add the cloned version to OverallResult
$OverallResult += $outputItem
$batchCounter += 1

return ,$OverallResult

if (!(Test-Path $PackagePropertiesFolder)) {
Write-Error "Package Properties folder doesn't exist"
Expand All @@ -58,71 +209,35 @@ Write-Host "Generating PR job matrix for $PackagePropertiesFolder"

$configs = Get-Content -Raw $PRMatrixFile | ConvertFrom-Json

# calculate general targeting information and create our batches prior to generating any matrix
# get all the package property objects loaded
$packageProperties = Get-ChildItem -Recurse "$PackagePropertiesFolder" *.json `
| ForEach-Object { Get-Content -Path $_.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json }

# set default matrix config for each package if there isn't an override
# enhance the package props with a default matrix config if one isn't present
$packageProperties | ForEach-Object {
if (-not $_.CIMatrixConfigs) {
$_.CIMatrixConfigs = $configs

# The key here is that after we group the packages by the matrix config objects, we can use the first item's MatrixConfig
# to generate the matrix for the group, no reason to have to parse the key value backwards to get the matrix config.
$matrixBatchesByConfig = Group-ByObjectKey $packageProperties "CIMatrixConfigs"
$directPackages = $packageProperties | Where-Object { $_.IncludedForValidation -eq $false }
$indirectPackages = $packageProperties | Where-Object { $_.IncludedForValidation -eq $true }

$OverallResult = @()
foreach ($matrixBatchKey in $matrixBatchesByConfig.Keys) {
$matrixBatch = $matrixBatchesByConfig[$matrixBatchKey]
$matrixConfigs = $matrixBatch | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty CIMatrixConfigs

$matrixResults = @()
foreach ($matrixConfig in $matrixConfigs) {
Write-Host "Generating config for $($matrixConfig.Path)"
$matrixResults = GenerateMatrixForConfig `
-ConfigPath $matrixConfig.Path `
-Selection $matrixConfig.Selection `
-DisplayNameFilter $DisplayNameFilter `
-Filters $Filters `
-Replace $Replace

$packageBatches = Split-ArrayIntoBatches -InputArray $matrixBatch -BatchSize $BATCHSIZE

# we only need to modify the generated job name if there is more than one matrix config + batch
$matrixSuffixNecessary = $matrixBatchesByConfig.Keys.Count -gt 1
$batchSuffixNecessary = $packageBatches.Length -gt 1
$batchCounter = 1

foreach ($batch in $packageBatches) {
$namesForBatch = ($batch | ForEach-Object { $_.ArtifactName }) -join ","
# to understand this iteration, one must understand that the matrix is a list of hashtables, each with a couple keys:
# [
# { "name": "jobname", "parameters": { matrixSetting1: matrixValue1, ...} },
# ]
foreach ($matrixOutputItem in $matrixResults) {
# we need to clone this, as each item is an object with possible children
$outputItem = $matrixOutputItem | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable
# we just need to iterate across them, grab the parameters hashtable, and add the new key
# if there is more than one batch, we will need to add a suffix including the batch name to the job name
$outputItem["parameters"]["$PRMatrixSetting"] = $namesForBatch

if ($matrixSuffixNecessary) {
$outputItem["name"] = $outputItem["name"] + "_" + $matrixConfig.Name

if ($batchSuffixNecessary) {
$outputItem["name"] = $outputItem["name"] + "_b$batchCounter"

$OverallResult += $outputItem
$batchCounter += 1
if ($directPackages) {
Write-Host "Discovered $($directPackages.Length) direct packages"
foreach($artifact in $directPackages) {
Write-Host "-> $($artifact.ArtifactName)"
$OverallResult += GeneratePRMatrixForBatch -Packages $directPackages
if ($indirectPackages) {
Write-Host "Discovered $($indirectPackages.Length) indirect packages"
foreach($artifact in $indirectPackages) {
Write-Host "-> $($artifact.ArtifactName)"
$OverallResult += GeneratePRMatrixForBatch -Packages $indirectPackages

$serialized = SerializePipelineMatrix $OverallResult

Write-Output $serialized.pretty
Expand Down

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