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Adding PowerShell Deployment Option to the Helper (#528)
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* updated with Powershell

* added ps1 fiel to release

* fixed naming of Bash variables

* comments added to postdeploy scripts

* updated requires to add PS7

* added in logic to disable PS in not in release

* added notes for PowerShell

* Fixed current ip address formal for PS

* Changed the private cluster postdeploy for PS

* fixed array replace ip and zones


Co-authored-by: Mark Graham <>
  • Loading branch information
fireblade95402 and Mark Graham authored Jun 29, 2023
1 parent 21989e4 commit 7595d0d
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Showing 5 changed files with 363 additions and 13 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .github/workflows/release.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ jobs:
- 'postdeploy/scripts/'
- 'postdeploy/scripts/postdeploy.ps1'
- 'postdeploy/k8smanifests/networkpolicy-deny-all.yml'
- 'postdeploy/helm/Az-CertManagerIssuer-0.3.0.tgz'
- 'helper/src/dependencies.json'
Expand Down
102 changes: 90 additions & 12 deletions helper/src/components/deployTab.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -240,32 +240,33 @@ export default function DeployTab({ defaults, updateFn, tabValues, invalidArray,

const deployRelease = deploy.templateVersions.find(t => t.key === deploy.selectedTemplate) || {}

const preview_post_deploycmd = Object.keys(preview_post_params).map(k => {

//Bash (Remember to align any changes with Powershell)
const preview_post_deployBASHcmd = Object.keys(preview_post_params).map(k => {
const val = preview_post_params[k]
const targetVal = Array.isArray(val) ? JSON.stringify(JSON.stringify(val)) : val
return ` \\\n\t-p ${k}=${targetVal}`

const post_deploycmd = `\n\n# Deploy charts into cluster\n` +
(deploy.selectedTemplate === "local" ? `bash .${ cluster.apisecurity === "private" ? '' : '/postdeploy/scripts'}/ ` : `curl -sL ${deployRelease.post_url} | bash -s -- `) +
const post_deployBASHcmd = `\n\n# Deploy charts into cluster\n` +
(deploy.selectedTemplate === "local" ? `bash .${ cluster.apisecurity === "private" ? '' : '/postdeploy/scripts'}/ ` : `curl -sL ${deployRelease.postBASH_url} | bash -s -- `) +
(deploy.selectedTemplate === 'local' ? (cluster.apisecurity === "private" ? '-r .' : '') : `-r ${deployRelease.base_download_url}`) +
Object.keys(post_params).map(k => {
const val = post_params[k]
const targetVal = Array.isArray(val) ? JSON.stringify(JSON.stringify(val)) : val
return ` \\\n\t-p ${k}=${targetVal}`
(!deploy.disablePreviews ? preview_post_deploycmd : '')

(!deploy.disablePreviews ? preview_post_deployBASHcmd : '')

const post_deploystr = cluster.apisecurity !== "private" ?
const post_deployBASHstr = cluster.apisecurity !== "private" ?
'# Get credentials for your new AKS cluster & login (interactive)\n' +
`az aks get-credentials -g ${deploy.rg} -n ${aks}\n` +
'kubectl get nodes' +
'# Private cluster, so use command invoke\n' +
`az aks command invoke -g ${deploy.rg} -n ${aks} --command "` +
post_deploycmd.replaceAll('"', '\\"') +
post_deployBASHcmd.replaceAll('"', '\\"') +
`\n"${deploy.selectedTemplate === "local" ? ' --file ./postdeploy/scripts/ --file ./postdeploy/helm/Az-CertManagerIssuer-0.3.0.tgz --file ./postdeploy/k8smanifests/networkpolicy-deny-all.yml --file ./helper/src/dependencies.json' : ''}`

const networkWatcher = net.nsg && net.nsgFlowLogs !== ?
Expand All @@ -274,7 +275,7 @@ export default function DeployTab({ defaults, updateFn, tabValues, invalidArray,

const cardSpecificWorkloadDeployCmd = deploy.workloadDeployCommands && deploy.workloadDeployCommands.length>0 ? => w).join('\n').replace(/\$RESOURCEGROUP/g,deploy.rg).replace(/\$AKSNAME/g, aks) : ''

const deploycmd =
const deployBASHcmd =
`# Create Resource Group\n` +
`az group create -l ${deploy.location} -n ${deploy.rg}\n\n` + networkWatcher +
`# Deploy template with in-line parameters\n` +
Expand All @@ -283,9 +284,46 @@ export default function DeployTab({ defaults, updateFn, tabValues, invalidArray,
const val = finalParams[k]
const targetVal = Array.isArray(val) ? JSON.stringify(JSON.stringify(val)) : val
return ` \\\n\t${k}=${targetVal}`
}).join('') + '\n\n' + (Object.keys(post_params).length >0 || (!deploy.disablePreviews && Object.keys(preview_post_params).length >0) ? post_deploystr : '')
}).join('') + '\n\n' + (Object.keys(post_params).length >0 || (!deploy.disablePreviews && Object.keys(preview_post_params).length >0) ? post_deployBASHstr : '')

//Powershell (Remember to align any changes with Bash)
const preview_post_deployPScmd = Object.keys(preview_post_params).map(k => {
const val = preview_post_params[k]
const targetVal = Array.isArray(val) ? JSON.stringify(JSON.stringify(val)) : val
return ` \`\n\t-${k} ${targetVal}`

const post_deployPScmd = `\n\n# Deploy charts into cluster\n` +
(deploy.selectedTemplate === "local" ? ` .${ cluster.apisecurity === "private" ? '' : '/postdeploy/scripts'}/postdeploy.ps1 ` : `& $([scriptblock]::Create((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("${deployRelease.postPS_url}")))`) +
(deploy.selectedTemplate === 'local' ? (cluster.apisecurity === "private" ? '-r .' : '') : ` -releace_version="${deployRelease.base_download_url}"`) +
Object.keys(post_params).map(k => {
const val = post_params[k]
const targetVal = Array.isArray(val) ? JSON.stringify(JSON.stringify(val)) : val
return ` \`\n\t-${k} ${targetVal}`
(!deploy.disablePreviews ? preview_post_deployPScmd : '')

//Below used when not a private cluster (used further below the BASH postdeploy script if a private cluster)
const post_deployPSstr =
'# Get credentials for your new AKS cluster & login (interactive)\n' +
`az aks get-credentials -g ${deploy.rg} -n ${aks}\n` +
'kubectl get nodes' +

const deployPScmd =
`# Create Resource Group\n` +
`az group create -l ${deploy.location} -n ${deploy.rg}\n\n` + networkWatcher +
`# Deploy template with in-line parameters\n` +
`az deployment group create -g ${deploy.rg} ${deploy.selectedTemplate === "local" ? '--template-file ./bicep/main.bicep' : `--template-uri ${deployRelease.main_url}` } --parameters` +
Object.keys(finalParams).map(k => {
const val = finalParams[k]
const targetVal = Array.isArray(val) ? JSON.stringify(JSON.stringify(val)).replaceAll('"[\\', '\'[').replaceAll('\\"]"', '"]\'').replaceAll('\\",\\"','","') : val
return ` \`\n\t${k}=${targetVal}`
}).join('') + '\n\n' + (Object.keys(post_params).length >0 || (!deploy.disablePreviews && Object.keys(preview_post_params).length >0) ? cluster.apisecurity !== "private" ? post_deployPSstr: post_deployBASHstr : '')

const deployTfcmd = `#download the *.tf files and run these commands to deploy using terraform\n#for more AKS Construction samples of deploying with terraform, see\n\nterraform fmt\nterraform init\nterraform validate\nterraform plan -out main.tfplan\nterraform apply main.tfplan\nterraform output`

const deployTfProviders =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -355,6 +393,13 @@ az role assignment create --role "Managed Identity Operator" --assignee-principa

const ghOrg = deploy.githubrepo.replace(/.*com\//, "").replace(/\/.*/, '')
const ghRepo = deploy.githubrepo.replace(/.*\//, '')

//PowerShell is disabled generally due to a missing postdeploy.ps1 script missing in the release
if (deployRelease.postPS_url === undefined && deploy.selectedTemplate !== "local" && deploy.deployItemKey === "deployPSArmCli")
deploy.deployItemKey = "deployArmCli"

console.log (`deploy.deployItemKey=${deploy.deployItemKey}`)
return (

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -430,7 +475,7 @@ az role assignment create --role "Managed Identity Operator" --assignee-principa

<Pivot selectedKey={deploy.deployItemKey} onLinkClick={({props}) => updateFn('deployItemKey', props.itemKey)}>

<PivotItem headerText="Command Line" itemKey="deployArmCli" itemIcon="PasteAsCode" >
<PivotItem headerText="Bash" itemKey="deployArmCli" itemIcon="PasteAsCode" >

<Stack horizontal horizontalAlign="space-between" styles={{root: { width: '100%', marginTop: '10px'}}}>
Expand All @@ -455,7 +500,7 @@ az role assignment create --role "Managed Identity Operator" --assignee-principa

<CodeBlock hideSave={true} lang="shell script" error={allok ? false : 'Configuration not complete, please correct the tabs with the warning symbol before running'} deploycmd={deploycmd} testId={'deploy-deploycmd'}/>
<CodeBlock hideSave={true} lang="shell script" error={allok ? false : 'Configuration not complete, please correct the tabs with the warning symbol before running'} deploycmd={deployBASHcmd} testId={'deploy-deploycmd'}/>

{ cardSpecificWorkloadDeployCmd.length > 0 &&
<CodeBlock hideSave={true} lang="Workload Deployment shell script" error={allok ? false : 'Configuration not complete, please correct the tabs with the warning symbol before running'} deploycmd={cardSpecificWorkloadDeployCmd} testId={'deploy-deploycmd'}/>
Expand All @@ -465,6 +510,39 @@ az role assignment create --role "Managed Identity Operator" --assignee-principa

<PivotItem headerText="PowerShell" itemKey="deployPSArmCli" itemIcon="PasteAsCode" headerButtonProps={{disabled: deployRelease.postPS_url === undefined && deploy.selectedTemplate !== "local" ? true : false , 'style': {color: deployRelease.postPS_url === undefined && deploy.selectedTemplate !== "local" ? "grey" : "white"}}} >

<Stack horizontal horizontalAlign="space-between" styles={{root: { width: '100%', marginTop: '10px'}}}>
<Label >PowerShell and Azure CLI commands to deploy your fully operational environment<br></br> PowerShell disabled is <i>postdeploy.ps1</i> not in selected Template Version</Label>
Requires <Link target="_bl" href="">PowerShell (7 or greater) </Link>, <Link target="_bl" href="">AZ CLI (2.37.0 or greater)</Link>, or execute in the <Link target="_cs" href="">Azure Cloud Shell</Link>.

<Stack.Item align="end">
<Stack horizontal tokens={{childrenGap: 5}}>
errorMessage={getError(invalidArray, 'selectedTemplate')}
label='Template Version'
disabled={process.env.REACT_APP_TEMPLATERELEASE !== undefined}
onChange={(ev, { key }) => updateFn('selectedTemplate', key)}
styles={{ dropdown: { width: 200 } }}

<CodeBlock hideSave={true} lang="PowerShell script" error={allok ? false : 'Configuration not complete, please correct the tabs with the warning symbol before running'} deploycmd={deployPScmd} testId={'deploy-deploycmd'}/>

{ urlParams.toString() !== "" &&
<Text variant="medium">Not ready to deploy? Bookmark your configuration : <a href={"?" + urlParams.toString()}>here</a></Text>

<PivotItem headerText="Github Actions" itemKey="github" itemIcon="GitGraph">
<Stack horizontal tokens={{childrenGap: 30}}>
<Stack.Item styles={{root: {width: "60%"}}}>
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion helper/src/components/portalnav.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -241,7 +241,8 @@ export default function PortalNav({ config }) {
key: rel.tag_name,
text: `${rel.tag_name}${i === 0 ? ' (latest)' : ''}`,
main_url: rel.assets.find(a => === 'main.json').browser_download_url,
post_url: rel.assets.find(a => === '').browser_download_url,
postBASH_url: rel.assets.find(a => === '').browser_download_url,
postPS_url: rel.assets.find(a => === 'postdeploy.ps1') ? rel.assets.find(a => === 'postdeploy.ps1').browser_download_url : undefined, //Needs to be in the release to work.
base_download_url: rel.assets.find(a => === 'main.json').browser_download_url.replace('/main.json', '')
Expand Down

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